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Назив: Attitudes of Consumers from Autonomous Province of Vojvodina toward Advertising through Sport for the Question: How Often Do Consumers Purchase Sporting Goods
Аутори: Milošević, Zoran 
Bjelica, Dusko
Masanovic, Bojan
Кључне речи: attitudes;advertising;sporting goods;Vojvodina
Датум издавања: 2019
Часопис: Sport Mont
Сажетак: This research was aimed at gaining relevant knowledge about the attitudes of the consumers from the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina toward advertising through sport for the question how often do consumers purchase sporting goods. The sample included 451 students from Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Faculty of sport and tourism in Novi Sad and Chemical, Biotechnology and Medicine Department in Subotica, divided into six subsamples: consumers who do not purchase sporting goods at all, then consumers who purchase sporting goods less than once a month, next 1-3 times a month, 4-6 times a month, 7-9 times a month, as well as consumers who purchase sporting goods more than 10 times a month. The sample of variables contained the system of three general attitudes which were modelled by the seven-point Likert scale. The results of the measuring were analysed by multivariate analysis (MANOVA), univariate analysis (ANOVA) and Post Hoc test. Based on the statistical analyses it was found that signifi cant diff erences occur at multivariate level, as well as among all three variables at a signifi cance level of (p=.000). Hence, it is interesting to highlight that it was found that signifi cant diff erences showed up between the consumers who purchase sporting goods. The signifi cant diff erences were found in two out of three variables, while the consumers who purchase sporting goods less than 3 times a month had much more negative attitudes toward advertising through sport.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/818
ISSN: 1451-7485
DOI: 10.26773/smj.190207
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