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Назив: Optimal strong Mal'cev conditions for omitting type 1 in locally finite varieties
Аутори: Kearnes K.
Marković, Petar 
McKenzie R.
Датум издавања: 1-јан-2014
Часопис: Algebra Universalis
Сажетак: We show that the class of locally finite varieties omitting type 1 has the following properties. This class is:(1)definable by an idempotent, linear, strong Mal'cev condition in a language with one 4-ary function symbol; (2) not definable by an idempotent, linear, strong Mal'cev condition in a language with only one function symbol of arity strictly less than 4; (3) definable by an idempotent, linear, strong Mal'cev condition in a language with two 3-ary function symbols; (4) not definable by an idempotent, linear, strong Mal'cev condition in a language with function symbols of arity less than 4 unless at least two of the symbols have arity 3. © 2014 Springer Basel.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/7829
ISSN: 00025240
DOI: 10.1007/s00012-014-0289-9
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