Молимо вас користите овај идентификатор за цитирање или овај линк до ове ставке: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/7528
Назив: Lightweight concrete with recycled ground expanded polystyrene aggregate
Аутори: Kekanović, Milan 
Kukaras, Danijel 
Čeh, Arpad 
Karaman, Golub 
Датум издавања: 1-јан-2014
Часопис: Tehnicki Vjesnik
Сажетак: This article describes the possibilities in using recycled, ground expanded polystyrene (EPS) as aggregate for lightweight concretes as thermal insulation or as a structural concrete. The article presents a rich experience and provides explanation on the benefits of using ground EPS aggregate compared to virgin EPS beads in making lightweight concrete. A reinforced lightweight concrete structure made by SU-styrol-technology is also presented. Although the compressive strength of this lightweight aggregate concrete is six times less than that of ordinary concrete, the deformation (deflection) and the load- bearing capacity of the reinforced slab and that of the Su-styrene reinforced concrete and of the ordinary reinforced concrete slab are the same, which is very interesting. The authors have provided a physical interpretation of this behaviour, with the conclusion that the reinforced SU-styrol lightweight concrete is compatible with steel, unlike ordinary concrete. The authors hope that this paper will be a positive motivation for other researchers to explore this interesting topic.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/7528
ISSN: 13303651
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