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Назив: The good, the bad (and the ugly): The role of curiosity in subjective well-being and risky behaviors among adolescents
Аутори: Jovanović, Veljko
Gavrilov-Jerković, Vesna 
Датум издавања: 1-феб-2014
Часопис: Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
Сажетак: Previous studies have shown that enhanced trait curiosity has positive influence on well-being. It remains an open question, however, whether curiosity has any detrimental effects on behavioral outcomes in adolescence. The main aim of this research was to investigate the role of trait curiosity in the prediction of risky behavior engagement and subjective well-being (SWB) among adolescents. A total of 371 Serbian adolescents (mean age 15.5, SD = 0.57) participated in the 5-month follow up study. The results showed that the embracing component of curiosity (but not stretching) predicted risky behavior engagement, while the stretching component of curiosity (but not embracing) predicted positive affect. In addition, neither embracing nor stretching was a significant predictor of negative affect and life satisfaction. The results of this study call into question the conceptualization of curiosity as a completely positive emotional-motivational system, and suggest that curiosity can contribute to negative outcomes in adolescence. © 2013 Scandinavian Psychological Associations and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/7337
ISSN: 00365564
DOI: 10.1111/sjop.12084
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