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Назив: Is denture stomatitis always related with candida infection? A case control study
Аутори: Jovan Marinoski
Marija Bokor Bratić 
Miloš Čanković 
Кључне речи: dental prostheses;hygiene;oral candidiasis;etiology;dental care for elderly
Датум издавања: 1-јул-2014
Часопис: Medicinski Glasnik
Сажетак: Aim: To examine the oral mucosa under the denture base and to determine the influence of local factors that contribute to denture stomatitis. Methods: In this prospective, case control study 30 patients with palatal inflammatory lesions were evaluated. A degree of palatal inflammation was scored. Swab samples were taken from tongue and palatal mucosa for microbiological examination. Denture plaque index, data of night wearing dentures, pH values of tongue and palatal mucosa were determined for all subjects. Results: Significantly higher incidence of poor denture cleanliness index (p=0.01) and night wearing of dentures (p=0.009) were found in patients with denture stomatitis. There were significant differences between the groups in relation to the pH value of the tongue and palatal mucosa (p=0.016 and p=0.035, respectively). No significant association was found between denture stomatitis and microbiological findings, dentures age, type of dentures, presence of previous prosthesis, frequency or manner of dentures hygiene and smoking habits. Conclusion: Poor denture hygiene, overnight wearing of dentures and oral mucosa pH less than 6.5 are predominant local etiologycal factors that contribute to denture stomatitis development.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/7212
ISSN: 18400132
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