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Назив: An overview of ontologies and data resources in medical domains
Аутори: Ivanović, Mirjana 
Budimac, Zoran 
Датум издавања: 1-сеп-2014
Часопис: Expert Systems with Applications
Сажетак: The ongoing rapid growth of diversity of data and their wide use to solve different complex tasks requires more sophisticated techniques of knowledge management and automated reasoning. Recent research efforts resulted in a significant number of semantic reference systems enriched with vocabularies, thesauri, terminologies, and ontologies. The extensive use of ontologies in the mainstream computer science has spread to many other branches of knowledge. These branches are included in a new approach to building modern intelligent systems, reusing and sharing pieces of declarative knowledge. In the meanwhile, a lot of effort has been made to produce standard ontologies for medicine and biology. This paper brings an overview and presentation of the state of the art in terminologies, ontologies and important resources/systems and tools for industry and academia in medicine and biology. It could be useful for researchers involved in multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research areas and projects that include medicine, biology, and information technology. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/7196
ISSN: 09574174
DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2014.02.045
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