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Назив: Stratigraphic revision of the Quaternary material from the vicinity of Belgrade and the Serbian segment of the Tisza valley analysed by V.D. Laskarev
Аутори: Gaudenyi T.
Nenadić D.
Stejić P.
Jovanović, Mlađen 
Bogićević K.
Датум издавања: 1-јан-2015
Часопис: Quaternary International
Сажетак: © 2014 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. In his studies of the Quaternary deposits in the vicinity of Belgrade and Vojvodina, V.D. Laskarev clearly identified the main Quaternary facies and lithostratigraphic units (loess series, Corbicula fluminalis beds, Holocene sands, etc.). Since the period of the publication of his research, there has been development in Quaternary stratigraphy and palaeogeography. In compliance with these changes, the following elements of his studies should be corrected:. 1) The age of the loess series in the Zemun Loess Plateau and the Belgrade Plateau corresponds to the younger part of the Middle and Late Pleistocene.2) The Pleistocene Corbicula beds represent temperate fluvial stages of the younger part of the Lower and Middle Pleistocene. The Viviparus boeckhi Horizon was defined as a subunit of the Pleistocene Corbicula beds that corresponds to the younger part of the Lower Pleistocene fluvial temperate stages. The Makiš beds should be defined as a local term for the Pleistocene Corbicula beds in the Sava valley (in the vicinity of Belgrade).3) Laskarev generally recognized the main features of the Quaternary palaeogeographic evolution; however, they cannot be applied to the whole area of the Serbian segment of the Pannonian Plain. There are still no reliable geological data for the Lower and Middle Pleistocene parts of the Quaternary geological sections such as the Zrenjanin-Titel Loess Plateau. It is evident that up to now the Pleistocene Corbicula beds have not been identified in the basement of the Titel Loess Plateau, only the aeolo-lacustrine and lacustrine-palustrine silts underlying the loess series.4) Geomorphological investigations have identified four terraces in the valley of the Danube and the Tisza in Vojvodina. In this case, the first terrace level of Laskarev should be divided into the lower Ia or t1 and upper Ib or t2 terraces.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/6697
ISSN: 10406182
DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2014.08.041
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