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Назив: Synthesis and characterization of hydroxyapatite/fullerenol nanocomposites
Аутори: Đorđević, Aleksandar 
Ignjatović, Nenad
Seke, Mariana
Jović, Danica
Uskoković, Dragan
Rakočević, Zlatko
Датум издавања: 1-феб-2015
Часопис: Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Сажетак: Copyright © 2015 American Scientific Publishers All rights reserved. Fullerenols are polyhydroxylated, water soluble derivatives of fullerene C60, with potential application in medicine as diagnostic agents, antioxidants or nano drug carriers. This paper describes synthesis and physical characterization of a new nanocomposite hydroxyapatite/fullerenol. Surface of the nanocomposite hydroxyapatite/fullerenol is inhomogeneous with the diameter of the particles in the range from 100 nm to 350 nm. The ζ potential of this nanocomposite is ten times lower when compared to hydroxyapatite. Surface phosphate groups of hydroxyapatite are prone to forming hydrogen bonds, when in close contact with hydroxyl groups, which could lead to formation of hydrogen bonds between hydroxyapatite and hydroxyl groups of fullerenol. The surface of hydroxyapatite particles (-2.5 mV) was modified by fullerenol particles, as confirmed by the obtained t, potential value of the nanocomposite biomaterial hydroxyapatite/fullerenol (-25.0 mV).
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/6176
ISSN: 15334880
DOI: 10.1166/jnn.2015.8671
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