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Назив: Potential for energy production from reed biomass in the Vojvodina region (north Serbia)
Аутори: Važić, Tamara 
Svirčev, Zorica 
Dulić, Jovana 
Krstić K.
Obreht I.
Датум издавања: 1-авг-2015
Часопис: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Сажетак: © 2015 Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved. In this paper we estimated the potential of Phragmites australis as an energy source in the Vojvodina region, northern Serbia. Reed is chosen for this study due to its availability, high growth rates, carbon neutrality, characteristics that are beneficial for the sustainability of the ecosystem, and the fact that it does not violate and compete with the surfaces used for food production. Biomass of P. australis can be converted into energy by combustion, producing cellulosic ethanol and biogas. The Province of Vojvodina is a typical lowland region chracterized by intensive agriculture and reduced area with natural vegetation. It comprises cc. 27% of the country's total population. It is an energy-deficient province. The theoretical potential of reed, as a material for the generation of electric energy could meet one quarter of electricity needs in Vojvodina. It can also contribute to the heat energy production with 6390 TJ. As a whole, the Province of Vojvodina has a great potential to produce the reed biomass. However, bioenergy production is not feasible yet, due to the high cost of biomass processing. The significance of reed was more local in character until now, taking into account its ability to purify various types of ecosystems. The use of common reed in systems for ecoremediation (e.g. constructed wetlands in Slovenia) proved to be very efficient and cost-effective. Hence, reed can be considered a potentially profitable energy source in Vojvodina, when the values that are more difficult to estimate are taken into account.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/6025
ISSN: 13640321
DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2015.04.034
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