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Назив: The importance of the transition period to organic milk production
Аутори: Popović-Vranješ A.
Pejanović R.
Kasalica A.
Cvetanović D.
Glavaš - Trbić, Danica 
Kralj A.
Датум издавања: 1-јан-2012
Часопис: CEFood 2012 - Proceedings of 6th Central European Congress on Food
Сажетак: Organic farming primarily aims to produce food with high nutritive value, to maintain or increase soil fertility, prevent and combat soil erosion, biodiversity conservation and to protect natural resources from pollution. In order to base organic production it is necessary to provide the spatial isolation of land parcels and farms of the possible sources of pollution (pesticides, waste water, pollen of genetically modified crops), the plot of land on which the content of harmful substances does not exceed the prescribed maximum level, and proper irrigation water quality (first and second category) and air. There are many studies that show the health benefits of organic milk compared to milk from conventional production. Organic milk has higher content of polyunsaturated fatty acids and omega-3 fatty acids, more vitamin A, C and α-tocopherol, it does not contain residues of antibiotics, pesticides or other chemicals. Organic milk is healthier because the cows are kept free (in the barn and in the discharge) and they are long time on pasture and without stress. Although Serbia has an interest for organic milk production, for the health and economic reasons, there is still no market certified milk or other dairy products. In order to make transition to organic production it must happen through a transition period or the period of conversion to switch from conventional to organic farming. Methods of organic farming in livestock production have to be applicable from the beginning of the conversion period, which begins after the conclusion of the contract on the exercise of control in organic production between the manufacturer and the authorized control organization. The paper presents a method of organic milk production in period of conversion on a farm in Futog Agricultural High School, where special attention is paid to the following procedures: agro-ecological conditions, the number of animals per hectare, race, diet and posture, health and reproduction of animals, and parallel production (conventional and organic farms at the same farm), cadastral parcel numbers, history of land, fertilization, seed sourcing, analysis of water, controlling weeds, pests and diseases and the effect of biological protection and record-keeping. Detailed implementation of measures of organic plant and livestock production on farms in the period of conversion, which are consistent with the Law on organic farming and regulations on professional standards, are make to avoid the mistakes in next year and ensure the transition to organic milk production.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/5701
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