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Назив: Zoon technikon
Аутори: Rajković, Marica 
Датум издавања: 1-јан-2013
Часопис: Journal of Philosophy ARHE
Сажетак: The author discusses the concept of technology within the frame of Aristotle's triad of theoretical, practical and poietical, with the intention to clarify the relation of the ancient techne and modern technology, on the one hand; as well as the actuality of such a "triple" understanding of man, on the other hand. Theoretical context considers the relation between technology and science, poietical context examines the relation between technology and art, and practical context clarifies the relation between technology and ideology, i.e. politics. The aim of this examination is to question the sustainability of the modern age request that a man should be defined as "zoon technikon" rather than "zoon politikon", which essentially opens even more important philosophical question: is Aristotle's definition of man "out of date", or does its structure already alerts of possibility of future relativization of purpose and means which will declare this very definition obsolete?
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/5584
ISSN: 18200958
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