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Назив: Genetic diversity of a serbian grapevine germplasm collection based on morphoagronomic characteristics
Аутори: Rakonjac V.
Korać N.
Todić, Vladimir 
Medić, Mina
Bešlić Z.
Kuljančić, Ivan 
Ivanišević, Dragoslav 
Popović, Miroslav
Датум издавања: 1-јан-2014
Часопис: Genetika
Сажетак: The objective of this study was to evaluate diversity and relationships among grapevine cultivars from the Serbian gene bank in Sremski Karlovci, and to identify the most useful variables for discrimination. A total of 54 grapevine cultivars have been studied. During the period 2000-2005, twelve quantitative and qualitative characteristics were evaluated using OIV categories to each trait. Characterization was done using multivariate statistical analyses: cluster and principal component analysis (PCA), Based on cluster analysis cultivars divided into three major groups and the clustering pattern was related to the classical eco-geographical grouping: occidentalis, pontica and orientalis. Beside geographic origin clustering position of cultivars throughout the dendrogram was related to main uses. The major part (70.1%) of the total variation presented was explained by four principal components. PC1 is highly correlated with the bunch and berry size and PC2 with the density of prostrate hairs of young shoot tip and the density of prostrate hairs between veins on the lower side of mature leaf. The overall arrangement of cultivars suggests considerable phenotypical (and presumably genetic) variability in studied germplasm collection. Furthermore, obtained results may be useful for further utilization of available genetic resources in gene bank managers, growing and breeding.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/5567
ISSN: 05340012
DOI: 10.2298/GENSR1403719R
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