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Title: Charles Lyell and the loess deposits of the Rhine valley
Authors: Smalley I.
Gaudenyi T.
Jovanović, Mlađen 
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2015
Journal: Quaternary International
Abstract: © 2014 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. The study of loess began in the Rhine valley, and Charles Lyell played a major role in this development. He included a section on loess in the 'Principles of Geology' (in 1833) and with the widespread distribution of this important book loess became known. His views on loess changed as successive editions were produced and his first proposal, that loess was produced by a sudden flood changed, after discussion with H.G. Bronn, to a concept of gradual deposition. He had some interaction with Samuel Hibbert and this helped to shape his views on loess. The first published reference to loess in English was probably in Hibbert's 1832 book on the Neuwied volcanoes. By the time of the 5th edition of the Principles in 1837 Lyell was acknowledging eleven fellow scholars who had influenced his loessic endeavours, they were: Bronn, Leonhard, Boue, Voltz, Noeggerath, Steininger, Merian, Rozet, Von Meyer, Hibbert and Horner. The most influential of his associates were probably Bronn, Leonhard, Hibbert and Horner, although Horner only joined the list in 1837. Lyell may have observed loess on a brief visit to the Eifel region in July 1831; talking with Hibbert later that year there was certainly discussion of the 'Loess from Kruft to Andernach'.
ISSN: 10406182
DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2014.08.047
Appears in Collections:PMF Publikacije/Publications

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