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Назив: Assessment of the influence of anthropogenic factors on elements of the ecological network in Vojvodina (Serbia) using the Leopold matrix
Аутори: Kicošev, Vesna
Romelić, Jovan
Belić, Anđelka
Marinić, Ivo
Panjković, Biljana
Датум издавања: 1-јан-2015
Часопис: Archives of Biological Sciences
Сажетак: Salt steppes and marshes represent the most valuable ecosystems in the world, providing numerous ecosystem services that are extremely vulnerable to anthropogenic influences. These types of habitat in the territory of Serbia are most dominant in Banat and a significant portion of them is under protection or in the process of becoming protected. The section surrounding the protected areas of Slano Kopovo Special Nature Reserve, Rusanda Nature Park and Okanj Bara Special Nature Reserve with the non-building area of Novi Bečej, Kumane, Melenci, Elemir and Taraš cadastral municipalities, has been chosen for the analysis. The aim of this paper was to assess the influence of specific anthropogenic factors on the elements of an ecological network using the analytical method that can generate the required results in a manner suitable for presentation to various stakeholders. To achieve this aim, the Leopold matrix model, used for assessing anthropogenic influence on the environment, has been chosen. The specificity of this issue of protecting and preserving elements of an ecological network resulted in the need to isolate and evaluate the factors affecting the preservation of habitats and functionality of ecosystems, unlike the concept of Leopold matrix, which treats all factors as equally important in the process of evaluation. Evaluation results indicate significant effects of historical, perennial manner of using the area and other resources in the non-building area.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/5478
ISSN: 03544664
DOI: 10.2298/ABS150303097K
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