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Назив: Evaluation of anaerobic abilities of physical education and sports students applying the running anaerobic sprint test
Аутори: Pavlović, Ratko
Mihajlović, Ilona 
Radulović, Nikola 
Кључне речи: anaerobic abilities;evaluation;Running Anaerobic Sprint Test (RAST);students
Датум издавања: 2015
Часопис: Sport Science
Сажетак: Anaerobic abilities participate in most activities that are characterized by high intensity and short duration of activity. This type of endurance is the dominant activity in submaximal and maximal intensity. Conditioned by the good functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, morphological status, metabolism, muscle structure, etc. The research has conducted with the aim of evaluating anaerobic abilities of students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport of East Sarajevo and Novi Sad applying Running Anaerobic Sprint Test (RAST). The sample included a total of 40 male students, including 20 students from Eastern Sarajevo (age 21±0,5 years, average weight 76,69 ± 6,61kg) and (20 students from Novi Sad (age 20±0,5 years, the average weight 76,75±9,49kg). The results showed almost identical values of anaerobic capacity of students who are expected for this population with little benefits students of East Sarajevo. The average strength of the lower extremities student East Sarajevo amounted to 594,79 W, compared to the students of the Novi Sad 574,12 W, which is a slight difference that is not statistically significant. A slightly higher average index of fatigue was recorded with students of Novi Sad from 8,45 suggesting a weaker state of anaerobic capacity in relation to the pattern of East Sarajevo, or lower tolerance to lactate.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/5278
ISSN: 1840-3662
Налази се у колекцијама:FSFV Publikacije/Publications

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