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Назив: Drug eluting stents for malignant airway obstruction: A critical review of the literature
Аутори: Hohenforst-Schmidt W.
Zarogoulidis P.
Pitsiou G.
Linsmeier B.
Tsavlis D.
Kioumis I.
Papadaki E.
Freitag L.
Tsiouda T.
Turner J.
Browning R.
Simoff M.
Sachpekidis N.
Tsakiridis K.
Zarić, Bojan 
Yarmus L.
Baka S.
Stratakos G.
Rittger H.
Датум издавања: 1-јан-2016
Часопис: Journal of Cancer
Сажетак: © Ivyspring International Publisher. Lung cancer being the most prevalent malignancy in men and the 3rd most frequent in women is still associated with dismal prognosis due to advanced disease at the time of diagnosis. Novel targeted therapies are already on the market and several others are under investigation. However non-specific cytotoxic agents still remain the cornerstone of treatment for many patients. Central airways stenosis or obstruction may often complicate and decrease quality of life and survival of these patients. Interventional pulmonology modalities (mainly debulking and stent placement) can alleviate symptoms related to airways stenosis and improve the quality of life of patients. Mitomycin C and sirolimus have been observed to assist a successful stent placement by reducing granuloma tissue formation. Additionally, these drugs enhance the normal tissue ability against cancer cell infiltration. In this mini review we will concentrate on mitomycin C and sirolimus and their use in stent placement.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/5252
DOI: 10.7150/jca.13611
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