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Назив: Results of research on the energetic and economic efficiency of the use of biomass for heating an agricultural farm
Аутори: Tolmač, Jasna 
Josimovic L.
Prvulović, Dejan
Cvejic R.
Radovanović, Ljiljana 
Blagojevic Z.
Brkić, Miodrag
Датум издавања: 2-јан-2016
Часопис: Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning and Policy
Сажетак: © 2016 Taylor & Francis. In this article the authors present an example of an agricultural farm that produces wheat corn, soya, and other plants. After harvesting granular products, large amounts of plant remains (biomass) are used as biofuel at the boiler in order to heat the agricultural farm.We present the results of research of energetic characteristics and boiler efficiency of thermal power of 750 kW that serves for farm heating. At the boiler biomass is burned and the boiler is adapted for burning dead animals and other remains using liquid petroleum gas) as additional fuel.Biomass that is used as biofuel is wheat or soya straw. Using the straw as an alternative biofuel significant cuts are achieved on conventional fuel LPG. The annual expense of soya straw is 1,700 tons, from an area of 565 ha, or 1,970tons of wheat straw from an area of 660 ha. Expenses of gathering, transport and storage are approximately 0.021 /kg. Economic validity of using biomass as an energent had been proven by the fact that using straw is six times cheaper than using LPG. The ecological significance of using the biomass is investigated.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4915
ISSN: 15567249
DOI: 10.1080/15567249.2011.574188
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