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Назив: The neutron cross-section functions for the reactions <sup>187</sup>Re(n, α)<sup>184</sup>Ta, <sup>187</sup>Re(n,2n)<sup>186</sup>Re and <sup>185</sup>Re(n,2n)<sup>184</sup>Re in the energy range 13.08-19.5 MeV
Аутори: Jovančević, Nikola 
Daraban L.
Stroh H.
Oberstedt S.
Hult M.
Bonaldi C.
Geerts W.
Hambsch F.
Lutter G.
Marissens G.
Vidali M.
Датум издавања: 1-мај-2016
Часопис: European Physical Journal A
Сажетак: © 2016, The Author(s). In the present work, measurements of the cross-section functions for the 187Re(n,α)184Ta, 187Re(n,2n)186Re and 185Re(n,2n)184Re reactions were performed in the energy range 13.08-19.5 MeV. We applied the neutron activation technique using several wide-energy neutron beams (NAXSUN), recently developed at the JRC-IRMM. This method involves measuring the activity of the radionuclides produced in a target by the in energy overlapping neutron beams and a subsequent unfolding procedure. The present results are the first experimental data on these cross-sections for incident neutron energies between 15 and 19.5MeV and may contribute to improving evaluations and nuclear models.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4726
ISSN: 14346001
DOI: 10.1140/epja/i2016-16148-4
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