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Назив: Accuracy of reported food intake in a sample of 7–10 year-old children in Serbia
Аутори: Sanja Šumonja
Marija Jevtić 
Кључне речи: Food intake;Children;Questionnaires
Датум издавања: 1-сеп-2016
Часопис: Public Health
Сажетак: © 2016 The Royal Society for Public Health Objectives Children's ability to recall and report dietary intake is affected by age and cognitive skills. Dietary intake reporting accuracy in children is associated with age, weight status, cognitive, behavioural, social factors and dietary assessment techniques. This study analysed accuracy of 7–10 year-old children's reported food intake for one day. Study design Validation study. Methods Sample included 94 children aged 7–10 years (median = 9 years) from two elementary schools in a local community in Serbia. ‘My meals for one day’ questionnaire was a combination of 24-h recall and food recognition form. It included recalls for five meals: breakfast at home; snack at home; lunch at home; snack at school and dinner at home. Parental reports were used as reference information about children's food intake for meals obtained at home and observation was used to gain reference information for school meal. Observed and reported amounts were used to calculate omission rate, intrusion rate, corresponding, over-reported and unreported amounts of energy, correspondence rate and inflation ratio. Results Overall omission rate (37.5%) was higher than overall intrusion rate (36.7%). The same food item (bread) has been the most often correctly reported and omitted food item for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Snack at school had the greatest mean correspondence rate (79.6%) and snack at home the highest mean inflation ratio (90.7%). Conclusion Most errors in children's recalls were incorrectly reported amounts and not the food items. The questionnaire should be improved to facilitate accurate reports of the amounts.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4505
ISSN: 333506
DOI: 10.1016/j.puhe.2016.03.016
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