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Назив: Chemical Vapor Synthesis of FeOx–BaTiO3 Nanocomposites
Аутори: Mojić-Lanté, Bojana
Đenadić, Ružica
Chakravadhanula, Venkata Sai Kiran
Kübel, Christian
Srdić, Vladimir 
Hahn, Horst
Датум издавања: 1-јун-2015
Издавач: Wiley
Часопис: Journal of the American Ceramic Society
Сажетак: © 2015 The American Ceramic Society. Nanocomposite powders of FeOx-BaTiO3 (FO-BTO) have been prepared by chemical vapor synthesis (CVS) in a single-step process. The optimal parameters (reactor temperature, reactor length, precursor ratio) for the synthesis were investigated in an initial step for the individual systems, iron oxide (FO), and barium titanate (BTO); and in a second step optimized for the synthesis of the nanocomposites. The solid iron precursor was thermally evaporated, whereas the solid Ba- and Ti precursors were vaporized using laser flash evaporation to obtain ultrafine crystalline FO, BTO, and FO-BTO nanoparticles. The possibility to influence the mass ratios of the two phases in FO-BTO mixture by adjusting the ratio of the precursor in the two precursor delivery units has been investigated. The potential of CVS for the synthesis of nanocomposites containing iron oxide and barium titanate ultrafine crystalline nanopowders with particle size bellow 10 nm is demonstrated.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4054
ISSN: 00027820
DOI: 10.1111/jace.13531
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