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Назив: Should hydrogen therapy be included in a musculoskeletal medicine routine?
Аутори: Ostojić, Sergej 
Кључне речи: FDA;Molecular hydrogen;Rheumatoid arthritis;Soft tissue injury
Датум издавања: 10-нов-2016
Часопис: F1000Research
Сажетак: Molecular hydrogen (H2) has recently been recognized as a potential novel therapeutic agent in biomedicine. Initially proposed to be a possible treatment for certain types of neuromuscular disorders, cardio-metabolic diseases and cancer, H2 improved clinical end-points and surrogate markers in several clinical trials, mainly acting as an anti-inflammatory agent and powerful antioxidant. In this paper, the medicinal properties of H2 in musculoskeletal medicine are discussed with the aim to provide an updated and practical overview for health professionals working in this field.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3997
ISSN: 2046-1402
DOI: 10.12688/f1000research.9758.1
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