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Назив: Anthropometric and growth characteristics of schoolchildren in Novi Sad
Аутори: Jelena Bjelanović 
Marija Jevtić 
Radmila Velicki 
Dragana Stojisavljević
Snežana Barjaktarović-Labović
Milka Popović 
Artur Bjelica 
Кључне речи: anthropometric measurements;development and growth;schoolchildren
Датум издавања: 1-јан-2017
Часопис: Srpski Arhiv za Celokupno Lekarstvo
Сажетак: © 2017, Serbia Medical Society. All rights reserved. Introduction/Objective Growth, development and maturation are periods marked with individual physical characteristics, which provide the insight into the health status together with anthropometric indicators and physical appearance of an individual. The aim was to determine body height and body weight of a representative sample of schoolchildren from Novi Sad, to make a comparative analysis in relation to age and gender, and to determine the beginning of accelerated growth. Methods Sample included 11,676 pupils aged 6-15 years, from Novi Sad, Serbia. The basic anthropometric measurements (body height and body weight) were performed according to recommended methodology. Results The average values of boys’ body height ranged from 125.39 cm in those aged up to six years, to 175.09 cm for boys aged 15, and in girls from 124.07 cm at the age of six, to 165.77 cm for the oldest examined girls. The average values of boys’ body weight ranged from 25.58 kg at the age of six to 61.38 kg at the age of 15, and in girls from 23.94 kg in youngest to 54.46 kg, at the age of 15. The analysis of body weight and body height relation in the sample of boys and girls showed significant differences in all age groups, being most significant in boys aged from 11 to 13 years and in girls aged from nine to 12 years, marking the beginning of the rapid growth period. Conclusion Having analyzed two basic anthropometric characteristics, i.e. body height and body weight, the authors found significant differences in the increase of these characteristics among the age groups of the study sample. In addition, the results of this research are in accordance with those reported in literature, which suggest that a sudden ponderal and statural growth starts earlier in girls than in boys.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3826
ISSN: 3708179
DOI: 10.2298/SARH160108002B
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