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Назив: Modelling of carrying capacity in National Park - Fruška Gora (Serbia) case study
Аутори: Vujko, Aleksandra
Plavša, Jovan 
Petrović, Marko
Radovanović, Milan
Gajić, Tamara
Датум издавања: 1-јан-2017
Часопис: Open Geosciences
Сажетак: © 2017 Aleksandra Vujko et al. Negative effects of tourism development in a destination are usually the consequence of the high concentration of tourists, accommodation facilities and the activities that are practiced in a relatively restricted area. One of the most important measures to protect the areas is to calculate the maximum number of tourists that can simultaneously reside in a region, i.e. the determination of the carrying capacity. This paper outlines a method for determining carrying capacity based on zoning of environmental resources and zoning within a region. The paper argues for a return to the idea of identifying maximum appropriate number of users. The main hypothesis of the paper is based on the statement that the development of tourism in Fruška Gora (Mountain) National Park in Northern Serbia must be in accordance with the basic principles of sustainability, including the determination of carrying capacity. The main research goal was to show the opinion of local residents about the uncontrolled development of tourism, and to determine the carrying capacity in four sports and recreational zones of the mountain. The carrying capacity of the area is calculated by Lavery and Stanev formulas.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3752
DOI: 10.1515/geo-2017-0005
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