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Назив: Rusinian-Hungarian relations in the carpathians
Аутори: Fejsa, Mihajlo 
Benčik S.
Датум издавања: 1-јан-2017
Часопис: Rusin
Сажетак: The oldest Hungarisms in the Rusinian language appeared from the time of the first contacts between the Slavs and Hungarians. Hungarian was the state language until 1918, so it is not a coincidence that there are many Hungarian words in the Rusinian language. The direct contacts can be observed even nowadays in Bačka Topola, Novo Orahovo and Subotica. Considering the origin of Hungarisms, it may be noted that the main reason for their borrowing is their semantic nature. The words are borrowed primarly due to their meanings that either fill certain gaps in the Rusinian lexis or express a completely new concept.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3664
ISSN: 18572685
DOI: 10.17223/18572685/47/3
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