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Назив: Living on the border: Social indicators of life quality in Srem border region (Vojvodina, Serbia)
Аутори: Đerčan, Bojan 
Bubalo-Živković, Milka 
Solarević, Milica 
Šabić, Dejan
Кључне речи: subjective well-being;life satisfaction;social indicators;border settlements;Serbia
Датум издавања: 1-мар-2017
Издавач: Faculty of Science Novi Sad, Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management
Пројекат: Transformation of Serbian Geospace – lessons from the past, contemporary problems and possible solutions (MESTD - 176020) No. 114-451-2539/2016-02
Часопис: Geographica Pannonica
Сажетак: This paper presents the results of empirical research on quality of life of rural residents in the border region of Srem. Purpose of this work was to establish attitudes to social factors which determine everyday life of local population, and to establish the general perception of their standard of living. The results presented here are based on statistical analysis in which four types of analysis were applied: descriptive statistical analysis, application of chi-square test, t-test for independent samples and factor analysis of variance ANOVA. In order to determine the significance of differences between groups, post-hoc Scheffe's test was used. The research has come to the conclusion that the population of the border region of Srem is not satisfied with their living standards, and the main issues are unemployment and low income.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3340
ISSN: 03548724
DOI: 10.18421/GP21.01-03
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