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Назив: Discriminating between the effects of chemicals and other influencing factors on the macroinvertebrate community and trait composition: data analysis from the 3rd Joint Danube Survey
Аутори: Focks A
Baveco H
Graf W
Schmidt Kloiber A
Leitner P
Teodorović Ivana 
Paunović M.
Van den Brink PJ
Датум издавања: 2015
Часопис: Book of Abstracts, SETAC Europe 25th Annual Meeting“Environmental protection in a multi-stressed world: challenges for science, industry and regulators”, SETAC Europe 25th Annual Meeting “Environmental protection in a multi-stressed world: challenges for science, industry and regulators”, Barcelona, Spain, 2015, 03.05.-07.05., No 25
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/32100
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