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Назив: The influence of education level on choosing coastal regions as tourist destinations
Аутори: Đeri, Lukrecija 
Božić, Sanja 
Stamenković, Predrag
Nađ, Imre 
Датум издавања: 1-јун-2017
Часопис: Geographica Pannonica
Сажетак: The main aim of the paper is to investigate the influence of formal education level on decision-making process when choosing a tourist destination based on multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). The survey was conducted on the sample of 252 respondents from Backa region (Vojvodina/Serbia). Also, this study strives to examine the influence of education level on decision-making process including all five phases of decision-making process: need awareness, information search, alternatives estimation, purchase and purchase evaluation, applied to the process of choosing coastal regions as tourist destinations. The study shows that education level is related to four out of five phases of decision-making process (only in case of need awarness there is no statisticaly significant difference). This is especially important for creation of a marketing platform with promotional acitivities adjasted to different market segments diferentiated by education level. Moreover, the study discusses differences in behaviour of diffrent educational groups while choosing travel destinations.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3183
ISSN: 03548724
DOI: 10.5937/geopan1702096d
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