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Назив: The discharge for plasma Stark shift measurement and results for He I 706.522 nm line
Аутори: Ivković Milivoje
Gajo Teodora 
Savić Igor 
Konjević Nikola
Датум издавања: 2015
Часопис: Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer
Сажетак: © 2015. We present results of Stark shift measurements for He I 706.522nm (1s2p <sup>3</sup>P<inf>2</inf><sup>0</sup>-1s3s <sup>3</sup>S<inf>1</inf> and 1s2p <sup>3</sup>P<inf>1</inf><sup>0</sup>-1s3s <sup>3</sup>S<inf>1</inf>) lines using newly constructed pulsed arc generated at the pressure of two hundreds of milibars of helium with small admixture of hydrogen. Plasma electron number density in the range (0.5-7.0)×10<sup>23</sup>m<sup>-3</sup> was measured from the wavelength separation between the allowed He I 447.1nm (2p <sup>3</sup>P<sup>0</sup>-4d <sup>3</sup>D) line and its forbidden component (2p <sup>3</sup>P<sup>0</sup>-4d <sup>3</sup>F<sup>0</sup>), while the electron temperature in the range (15,000-20,000)K was determined from the relative intensities of Si II lines using the Boltzmann plot technique. New Stark shift measurement technique was demonstrated using line shape recording of several He I lines. The shift results for He I 706.522nm line so favorably compare with earlier lower density experimental data that best fit formula is recommended for plasma diagnostic purposes.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/31735
ISSN: 0022-4073
DOI: 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2015.04.010
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