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Title: Development and evaluation of instructional strategy based on the triplet model of inorganic chemistry content representation in high school education
Razvoj i evaluacija instrukcione strategije zasnovane na tripletnom modelu reprezentacije sadržaja neorganske hemije u srednjoškolskom obrazovanju
Authors: Milenković Dušica
Keywords: Triplet model, levels of represe-ntation, cognitive load, mental effort, instructional efficiency, misconceptions, two-tier test;Tripletni model, nivoi reprezentacije, kognitivno opterećenje, mentalni napor, instrukciona efikasnost, miskoncepcije, dvoslojni test
Issue Date: 24-Apr-2015
Publisher: Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet u Novom Sadu
University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences at Novi Sad
Abstract: <p>Glavni cilj ove disertacije bio je da&nbsp;se ispita u kojoj meri će nastavni&nbsp;pristup zasnovan na interkorelaciji&nbsp;makroskopskog, submikroskopskog&nbsp;i simboličkog nivoa &nbsp;reprezentacije&nbsp;znanja uticati na performanse&nbsp;učenika u oblasti neorganskih&nbsp;reakcija, a takođe i kakav će biti&nbsp;njen uticaj na samoprocenu&nbsp;uloženog mentalnog napora.&nbsp;</p><p>Ukupan uzorak ovog istraživanja&nbsp;sačinjavalo je 313 učenika iz dve&nbsp;gimnazije, a &nbsp;istraživanje je&nbsp;sprovedeno u toku &scaron;kolske&nbsp;2012/13. &scaron;kolske godine. Kao&nbsp;merni instrument za merenje&nbsp;performansi kori&scaron;ćen je dvoslojni&nbsp;test znanja sa zadacima&nbsp;<br />vi&scaron;estrukog izbora, a svaki zadatakje praćen sedmostepenom skalom&nbsp;Likertovog tipa za samoprocenu&nbsp;uloženog mentalnog napora.&nbsp;</p><p>Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da&nbsp;primenjena instrukciona strategija,&nbsp;koja se oslanja na primenu&nbsp;vi&scaron;estrukih nivoa reprezentacije&nbsp;znanja vodi povećanju učeničkih&nbsp;performansi, a istovremeno i&nbsp;smanjenju kognitivnog opterećenja.&nbsp;Rezultati dobijeni za procenu&nbsp;instrukcione efikasnosti sugeri&scaron;u&nbsp;da primenjeni model predstavlja&nbsp;efikasan nastavni model.</p><p>Dalje istraživanja performansi&nbsp;pokazala su da&nbsp; primenjena&nbsp;instrukciona strategija ima&nbsp;<br />podjednako pozitivan uticaj kako&nbsp;na performanse, tako i na&nbsp;procenjeni mentalni napor&nbsp;ispitanika oba pola. Ispitivana&nbsp;strategija takođe se pokazala&nbsp;efikasnom u obuci svih ispitivanih&nbsp;grupa učenika (najmanje uspe&scaron;nih,&nbsp;srednje uspe&scaron;nih i najuspe&scaron;nijih).&nbsp;<br />Pored toga&nbsp; rezultati&nbsp; su ukazali i na&nbsp;postojanje velikog broja&nbsp;miskoncepcija u K grupi ispitanika,&nbsp;dok su u E grupi, koja je&nbsp;učestvovala u eksperimentalnoj&nbsp;nastavi, veliki broj &nbsp;miskoncepcija&nbsp;bio eliminisan.</p><p>Na kraju, rezultati analize&nbsp;kognitivne kompleksnosti ukazali&nbsp;su na postojanje značajnih&nbsp;korelacija između svih ispitivanih&nbsp;parova varijabli (performanse-kognitivna kompleksnost;&nbsp;performanse-mentalni napor i&nbsp;mentalni napor-kognitivna&nbsp;kompleksnost).</p>
<p>The central goal of this disserta-tion&nbsp; was to examine the extent to&nbsp;which a teaching approach fo-cused on the interaction&nbsp; among&nbsp;macroscopic, submicroscopic and&nbsp;<br />symbolic levels of chemistry representations could affect high&nbsp;school students&rsquo; performance in&nbsp;the field of inorganic reactions, as&nbsp;well as to examine how the appli-ed &nbsp;instruction influences stu-dents&rsquo; assessment of invested&nbsp;mental effort.</p><p>The total sample of this research&nbsp;included 313 high school stu-dents. The survey was conducted&nbsp;in the 2012-2013 school year. As&nbsp;a measuring instrument for stu-dent &nbsp;performance a&nbsp; two-tier mu-ltiple-choice test&nbsp; of knowledge&nbsp;was used.&nbsp; Each task in the test&nbsp;was followed by a seven point&nbsp;Likert-type scale for evaluation of&nbsp;invested mental effort.&nbsp;</p><p>Obtained results indicate that a&nbsp;teaching strategy relying on the&nbsp;interplay between three levels of&nbsp;knowledge representation leads&nbsp;to an increase in students&rsquo; performance and also contributes to&nbsp;the reduction of cognitive load.&nbsp;The obtained results for calcula-ted mental efficiency suggest that&nbsp;the applied instructional model&nbsp;represents an effective teaching&nbsp;model. Further performance te-sting have shown that applied&nbsp;instructional strategy have simi-lar positive impact in terms of&nbsp;both performance and mental&nbsp;effort on the subjects of both&nbsp;genders. This strategy has also&nbsp;<br />proved to be effective in training&nbsp;all examined groups of students&nbsp;(low achievers, &nbsp;middle achievers&nbsp;and high achievers). In addition,&nbsp;results indicated the existence of&nbsp;a large number of misconceptions&nbsp;in the K group, while in the group&nbsp;E, that was subjected to experi-mental teaching, a great deal of&nbsp;misconceptions was eliminated.</p><p>Last but not least, the results of&nbsp;cognitive complexity analysis&nbsp;indicated the existence of signifi-cant correlations between all the&nbsp;examined pairs of variables (pe-rformance-cognitive complexity;&nbsp;performance-mental effort; me-ntal effort-cognitive complexity).</p>
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