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Назив: Determination of Wind Energy Potential and its Implementation Concept for the Electricity Market in the Vojvodina Region (North Serbia) – An Overview
Аутори: Micić, Tanja
Lukić, Tin 
Đorđević, Jasmina 
Basarin, Biljana 
Bjelajac, Dajana 
Hrnjak, Ivana
Marković, Slobodan 
Sakulski, Dušan 
Đerčan, Bojan 
Bubalo-Živković, Milka 
Pavić, Dragoslav 
Lazić, Lazar 
Кључне речи: renewable energy sources, wind energy, electricity market, policy planning, Vojvodina, Serbia
Датум издавања: 2014
Издавач: Faculty of Science Novi Sad, Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management
Пројекат: Transformation of Serbian Geospace – lessons from the past, contemporary problems and possible solutions (MESTD - 176020)
Biosensing Technologies and Global System for Long-Term Research and Integrated Management of Ecosystems (MESTD - 43002)
Часопис: Geographica Pannonica
Сажетак: Renewable energy sources play an important role in the future not only for the European countries, but for many countries worldwide. Most cost-effective and reliable large wind energy conversion systems are becoming the main focus of wind energy research and technology development, all in order to make wind energy competitive with other more traditional sources of electrical energy like coal, gas and nuclear generation. Serbia, along with neighboring countries, has a high potential for developing energy production from renewable energy sources. Wind energy in Serbia, despite its great potential, is only partly studied and insufficiently used. This study aims to provide summary of wind energy potentials in the region of Vojvodina, which is an important economic region in northern Serbia. Its existingelectrical energy status is thoroughly investigated according to the recent developments of wind energy production on global, regional and local scale. The main purpose of this study is the implementation ofenergy efficiency concept with purpose of satisfying the needs of Serbian electricity market.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/30568
ISSN: 0354-8724
DOI: 10.5937/GeoPan1401006M
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