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Назив: Potential factors affecting accumulation of unsupported <sup>210</sup>Pb in soil
Аутори: Mihailovic Aleksandra 
Vucinic-Vasic Milica 
Todorovic Natasa 
Hansman Jan 
Vasin Jovica
Krmar Miodrag 
Датум издавања: 2014
Часопис: Radiation Physics and Chemistry
Сажетак: Airborne 210Pb, daughter of 222Rn, is frequently used as a tracer in different studies concerning atmospheric transport, sedimentation, soil erosion, dating, etc. Concentration of 210Pb was measured in 40 soil samples collected in urban and industrial areas in order to get evidence of possible influence of some factors on accumulation of airborne 210Pb in soil. Different soil properties such as the content of organic matter, free CaCO3, and available phosphorus (P2O5) were measured to explore their possible correlation with the amount of 210Pb. Special attention was given to the correlation between 210Pb and stable lead accumulated in the soil. Several samples were taken near a battery manufacturer to check if extremely high concentrations of lead can affect the uptake of the airborne 210Pb in soil. Soil samples were also taken at different depths to investigate the penetration of lead through the soil. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/30379
ISSN: 0969-806X
DOI: (BISIS)92490
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