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Title: Population-genetic characterization of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifoliaL.) from the southern part of the Pannonian Plain and the Peripannonian region of the Central Balkan
Populaciono-genetička karakterizacija ambrozije (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) južnog dela Panonske nizije i peripanonskog prostora centralnog Balkana
Authors: Kočiš-Tubić Nataša 
Keywords: Ambrosia artemisiifolia, microsatellites, genetic diversity, genetic differentiation, biological invasion;Ambrosia artemisiifolia, mikrosateliti, genetički diverzitet, genetička diferencijacija, biološke invazije
Issue Date: 22-Sep-2014
Publisher: Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet u Novom Sadu
University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences at Novi Sad
Abstract: <p>Vrsta&nbsp;<em> Ambrosia&nbsp; artemisiifolia&nbsp; L.&nbsp;</em> (fam.&nbsp; Asteraceae)&nbsp; je&nbsp; jedna&nbsp; od&nbsp; najagresivnijih&nbsp; invazivnih&nbsp;biljaka&nbsp; kako&nbsp; u&nbsp; Evropi,&nbsp; tako&nbsp; i&nbsp; na&nbsp; globalnom&nbsp; nivou.&nbsp; Kao&nbsp; korovska&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; uzrokuje&nbsp; velike&nbsp;ekonomske&nbsp; gubitke&nbsp; redukujući&nbsp; prinos&nbsp; poljoprivrednih&nbsp; kultura,&nbsp; a&nbsp; njena&nbsp; masovna&nbsp; produkcija&nbsp;polena stvara ozbiljne alergijske probleme kod ljudi. Kao invazivna vrsta, predstavlja dobar&nbsp;model za proučavanje procesa uključenih u biolo&scaron;ke invazije, koje se danas prepoznaju kao&nbsp;deo globalnih promena, predstavljajući jednu od glavnih pretnji biodiverzitetu, funkcionisanju&nbsp;ekosistema,&nbsp; poljoprivredi,&nbsp; ali&nbsp; i&nbsp; ljudskom&nbsp; zdravlju.&nbsp; U&nbsp; Evropi,&nbsp; ambrozija&nbsp; je&nbsp; &scaron;iroko&nbsp;rasprostranjena,&nbsp; ali&nbsp; jedno&nbsp; od&nbsp; područja&nbsp; sa&nbsp; najvećom&nbsp; incidencom&nbsp; ovog&nbsp; invazivnog&nbsp; korova&nbsp; je&nbsp;Panonska&nbsp; nizija.&nbsp; Po&nbsp; svom&nbsp; položaju,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; karakteristikama&nbsp; samog&nbsp; područja,&nbsp; ovaj&nbsp; region&nbsp;predstavlja&nbsp; povoljno&nbsp; stani&scaron;te&nbsp; kako&nbsp; za&nbsp; introdukciju&nbsp; ambrozije&nbsp; iz&nbsp; različitih&nbsp; pravaca,&nbsp; tako&nbsp; i&nbsp; za&nbsp;njenu brzu ekspanziju u pomenutom području i &scaron;ire.&nbsp; U proteklih 30-40 godina ambrozija se&nbsp;&scaron;iri&nbsp; na&nbsp; peripanonsko&nbsp; područje,&nbsp; tačnije&nbsp; ka&nbsp; centralnim&nbsp; i&nbsp; južnim&nbsp; delovima&nbsp; Srbije.&nbsp; Uzimajući&nbsp; u&nbsp;obzir sve činjenice,&nbsp; cilj ovog istraživanja je bio genetička karakterizacija populacija ambrozije&nbsp;<br />sa područja Panonske nizije i peripanonskog prostora centralnog&nbsp; dela Balkanskog poluostrva.&nbsp;U&nbsp; svrhu&nbsp; ovoga,&nbsp; upotrebljeni&nbsp; su&nbsp; jedni&nbsp; od&nbsp; najpopularnijih&nbsp; i &nbsp;ajinformativnijih&nbsp; molekularnih&nbsp;markera u polju populacione genetike, mikrosateliti. Na području Panonske nizije utvrđen je&nbsp;visok nivo genetičke varijabilnosti i nizak nivo genetičke diferencijacije i struktuiranosti među&nbsp;ispitivanim&nbsp; populacijama, a najverovatnije kao posledica multiplih introdukcija i intenzivnog&nbsp;protoka gena među populacijama ispitivanog regiona. Suprotno, populacije sa peripanonskog&nbsp;prostora&nbsp; centralnog&nbsp; Balkana&nbsp; su&nbsp; pokazale&nbsp; niži&nbsp; nivo&nbsp; genetičkog&nbsp; diverziteta&nbsp; u&nbsp; odnosu&nbsp; na&nbsp;panonske populacije, sa izraženom inter-populacionom diferencijacijom. Potvrđeno je &scaron;irenje&nbsp;ambrozije&nbsp; u&nbsp; pravcu&nbsp; sever-jug&nbsp; na&nbsp; području&nbsp; peripanonskog&nbsp; prostora,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; poreklo&nbsp; ovih&nbsp;populacija&nbsp; od&nbsp; populacija&nbsp; iz&nbsp; regiona&nbsp; Panonske&nbsp; nizije,&nbsp; ali&nbsp; bez&nbsp; isključivanja&nbsp; mogućeg&nbsp; upliva&nbsp;ambrozije&nbsp; iz&nbsp; drugih&nbsp; pravaca.&nbsp; Ova&nbsp; saznanja&nbsp; doprinose&nbsp; rasvetljavanju&nbsp; procesa&nbsp; introdukcije&nbsp; i&nbsp;ekspanzije&nbsp; ispitivane&nbsp; invazivne&nbsp; vrste&nbsp; na&nbsp; ovom&nbsp; području&nbsp; Evrope.&nbsp; Utvrđen&nbsp; visok&nbsp; potencijal&nbsp; u&nbsp;ekspanziji ambrozije i potencijalni pravci &scaron;irenja u ispitivanom području, mogu da doprinesu&nbsp;predviđanju dalje potencijalne ekspanzije ove vrste, &scaron;to bi moglo unaprediti mere kontrole i&nbsp;strategiju za suzbijanje &scaron;irenja ambrozije.</p>
<p><em>Ambrosia&nbsp; artemisiifolia&nbsp;</em> L.&nbsp; (fam.&nbsp; Asteraceae)&nbsp; is&nbsp; one&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; most&nbsp; aggressive&nbsp; invasive&nbsp; plant&nbsp;species&nbsp; in&nbsp; Europe&nbsp; and&nbsp; globally.&nbsp; As&nbsp; weed&nbsp; species,&nbsp; common&nbsp; ragweed&nbsp; causes&nbsp; great&nbsp; economic&nbsp;losses by reducing the yield of agricultural crops, and its mass production&nbsp; of pollen produces&nbsp;severe allergic problems in humans. As an invasive species,&nbsp; <em>Ambrosia artemisiifolia&nbsp;</em> is&nbsp; a good&nbsp;model for studying the processes of biological invasions, which are today recognized as part&nbsp;of&nbsp; global&nbsp; changes,&nbsp; presenting&nbsp; a&nbsp; major&nbsp; threat&nbsp; to&nbsp; biodiversity,&nbsp; the&nbsp; functioning&nbsp; of &nbsp; ecosystems,&nbsp;agriculture and human health. In Europe, <em>Ambrosia artemisiifolia</em> is widespread, but one of the&nbsp;most&nbsp; infested&nbsp; area&nbsp; is&nbsp; the&nbsp; Pannonian&nbsp; Plain.&nbsp; According&nbsp; to&nbsp; location&nbsp; and&nbsp; characteristics&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp;area,&nbsp; this&nbsp; region&nbsp; represents&nbsp; a&nbsp; favorable&nbsp; habitat&nbsp; for&nbsp; introduction&nbsp; of&nbsp; common&nbsp; ragweed&nbsp; from&nbsp;different&nbsp; directions&nbsp; and&nbsp; rapid&nbsp; expansion&nbsp; in&nbsp; these&nbsp; areas&nbsp; as&nbsp; well&nbsp; as&nbsp; further.&nbsp; In&nbsp; the&nbsp; past&nbsp; 30-40&nbsp;years,&nbsp; common&nbsp; ragweed&nbsp; was&nbsp; spreading&nbsp; across&nbsp; Peripannonian&nbsp; region,&nbsp; more&nbsp; precisely,&nbsp; to&nbsp; the&nbsp;Central and Southern parts of Serbia. According the facts, the aim of this study was the genetic&nbsp;characterization&nbsp; of&nbsp; populations&nbsp; of&nbsp; <em>Ambrosia&nbsp; artemisiifolia&nbsp;</em> from&nbsp; the&nbsp; Southern&nbsp; part&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp;Pannonian Plain and the&nbsp; Peripannonian region of the Central Balkan.&nbsp; One of the most popular&nbsp;and most informative molecular markers in&nbsp; population genetics, microsatellites&nbsp; were&nbsp; used. In&nbsp;the area of the Pannonian Plain, a high level of&nbsp; genetic variability and low&nbsp; level of&nbsp; genetic&nbsp;differentiation and structure&nbsp; among the study population have detected, probably as a&nbsp; result of&nbsp;multiple&nbsp; introduction&nbsp; and&nbsp; intensive&nbsp; gene&nbsp; flow&nbsp; between&nbsp; populations.&nbsp; In&nbsp; the&nbsp; other&nbsp; hand,&nbsp; the&nbsp;populations from the Peripannonian region have shown lower level of genetic diversity related&nbsp;to&nbsp; populations&nbsp; from&nbsp; Pannonin&nbsp; Plain,&nbsp; with&nbsp; moderate&nbsp; level&nbsp; of&nbsp; inter-population&nbsp; differentiation.&nbsp;Obtained&nbsp; results&nbsp; have&nbsp; confirmed&nbsp; that&nbsp; the&nbsp; spread&nbsp; of&nbsp; common&nbsp; ragweed&nbsp; across&nbsp; Peripannonian&nbsp;region was&nbsp; in the north-south direction, as &nbsp;well as that the populations from the considered&nbsp;area originated from the populations of Pannonian Plain.&nbsp; However, in this claim we can not&nbsp;exclude&nbsp; the&nbsp; possible&nbsp; influence&nbsp; of&nbsp; <em>Ambrosia&nbsp; artemisiifolia</em>&nbsp; from&nbsp; other&nbsp; directions.&nbsp; This&nbsp; study&nbsp;contributes&nbsp; to&nbsp; better understuding of&nbsp; the process of introduction and expansion of&nbsp; <em>Ambrosia&nbsp;artemisiifolia&nbsp;</em> in&nbsp; considered part&nbsp; of Europe.&nbsp; Detected&nbsp; high potential for &nbsp;expansion of&nbsp; common&nbsp;ragweed and possible directions of spreading in the study area, can contribute to the prediction&nbsp;of&nbsp; potential&nbsp; further&nbsp; expansion&nbsp; of&nbsp; <em>Ambrosia&nbsp; artemisiifolia</em>,&nbsp; which&nbsp; could&nbsp; improve&nbsp; control&nbsp;measures and strategies for preventing the spreading of this invasive species.&nbsp;</p>
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