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Title: Repopulation of tench Tinca tinca L. 1758 (Osteichthyes:Cyprinidae) into carp fish ponds and open waters
Repopulacija linjaka Tinca tinca L. 1758 (Osteichthyes:Cyprinidae) u šaranske ribnjake i otvorene vode
Authors: Lujić Jelena
Keywords: phylogroups, cryopreservation, in situ conservation, ex situ conservation, histology, developement of tench, cultivation of tench, meat quality;filogrupe, krioprezervacija, in situ zaštita, ex situ zaštita, histologija, razviće linjaka, gajenje linjaka, kvalitet mesa
Issue Date: 27-Aug-2014
Publisher: Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet u Novom Sadu
University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences at Novi Sad
Abstract: <p>Linjak&nbsp; <em>Tinca tinca</em>&nbsp; (L., 1758)&nbsp; je ciprinidna vrsta za koju je poslednjih decenija zabeleženo drastično smanjenje brojnosti u otvorenim vodama i skoro potpuno isključivanje&nbsp;iz akvakulture na teritoriji Srbije. Kako je ova vrsta autohtona za područje na&scaron;e zemlje, već&nbsp;se neko vreme radi na revitalizaciji njegovih populacija i ponovnoj popularizaciju u&nbsp;akvakulturi. Radeći na iznalaženju najpogodnijih metoda za repopulaciju linjaka o otvorene&nbsp;vode i ribnjake ciljevi su bili određivanje najoptimalnijih metoda poribljavanja i utvrđivanje&nbsp;najboljih načina za gajenje i ishranu jedinki različitih&nbsp; uzrasnih kategorija. Razmatrane su&nbsp;mogućnosti&nbsp; <em>in situ</em>&nbsp; i&nbsp; <em>ex</em> <em>situ</em>&nbsp; za&scaron;tite linjaka, kao i primena PCR-RFLP analize za kontrolu&nbsp;odabira matičnih jedinki kao i krioprezervacije kojom se, pored formiranja banke gameta,&nbsp;omogućava i stalna dostupnost ovih ćelija.&nbsp;</p><p>PCR-RFLP analizom dobijeni su podaci o pripadnosti analiziranih jedinkama dvema osnovnim filogrupama (istočnoj i zapadnoj) &scaron;to u budućnosti može biti kori&scaron;ćeno kao jedan od kriterijuma prilikom procesa ukr&scaron;tanja jedinki i ve&scaron;tačkog mresta. Analize varijabilnosti mitohondrijalnih markera su pokazale da Dunav predstavlja prirodnu barijeru između zapadne i istočne filogrupe na Balkanu, dok su analize nukearnih gena ukazale na prirodnu invaziju zapande filogrupe. Analizom mitohondrijalnog markera utvrđeno je&nbsp; i postojanje haplotipa koji označava retku podgrupu u okviru zapadne filogrupe (W2).&nbsp;</p><p>Primena krioprezervacije je prvi put razmatrana za primenu na teritoriji Republike&nbsp;<br />Srbije. Uvođenjem ove savremene metode pro&scaron;iruju se mogućnosti gajenja i selekcije matica&nbsp;u akvakulturi, ali i omogućava formiranje banke gena ove autohtone vrste. Eksperimentima&nbsp;koji su sprovođeni na spermi linjaka utvrđen je uticaj različitih krioprotektanata i ekstendera&nbsp;na vijabilnost spermatozoida, parametre njihove pokretljivosti, stepen oplodnje i izleganja.&nbsp;Tom prilikom utvrđeno je da je za pripremu sperme linjaka za krioprezervaciju najpogodiji&nbsp;Greyling ekstender, dok se među krioprotektantima metanol pokazao za nijansu pogodniji u&nbsp;odnosu na DMSO.</p><p>S obzirom na sposobnost linjaka da&nbsp; obavlja porcioni mrest, određivanje stadijuma&nbsp;<br />zrelosti jajnih folikula i spremnost ženki za mrest se najpreciznije određuje histolo&scaron;kim&nbsp;pregledom ovarijuma. Ovom prilikom utvrđeno je asinhrono sazrevanje jajnih folikula, kao i to&nbsp;da je&nbsp; tokom aprila&nbsp; započet&nbsp; proces vitelogeneze, a da je do jula izbačena bar jedna porcija&nbsp;jaja i da je najverovatnije nakon uzorkovanja izbačena jo&scaron; najmanje jedna porcija.&nbsp;</p><p>Praćenjem ranog embrionalnog razvića linjaka, omogućeno je utvrđivanje faza i&nbsp;<br />periodizacija tog procesa, a poređenjem sa drugim ciprinidnim vrstama, bilo je moguće uočiti&nbsp;specifičnosti linjaka u periodu izleganja i morfolo&scaron;kim karakteristikama tokom izleganja.&nbsp;Utvrđeno je da morfogeneza nije zavr&scaron;ena izleganjem i da do formiranja vilice, otvaranja&nbsp;usta, punjenja vazdu&scaron;nog mehura i formiranje pektoralnih peraja dolazi tokom stadijuma&nbsp;predlarve. Matematičkim modelom zavisnosti zapremine žumančane kese od časova nakon&nbsp;oplodnje je ustanovljeno da se žumančane rezerve tro&scaron;e u 150. času nakon oplodnje i da&nbsp;time otpočinje larvalni stadijum linjaka.</p><p>Testiranjem različitih načina gajenja linjaka kao i analizama kvaliteta njegovog mesa,&nbsp;utvrđeno je da je za dobijenje najboljih proizvodnih parametara i najpogodnijeg hemijskog&nbsp;sastava mesa neophodno gajenje linjaka u maloj&nbsp; gustini u polikulturi sa vi&scaron;e vrsta radi bolje&nbsp;iskoristljivosti dostupne hrane, kao i primena kompletnih krmnih sme&scaron;a prilikom ishrane, kako&nbsp;bi se dobili zadovoljavajući masno-kiselinski sastav mesa, kao i količine masti i proteina.</p><p>Iz svih dobijenih rezultata, plan repopulacije linjaka u otvorene vode i ribnjake odnosi&nbsp;<br />se na primenu pouzdanijih i savremenih metoda za odabir odgovarajućih matica i gajenje&nbsp;jedinki. Iznalaženje najpogodnijih lokaliteta na kojima bi se mogla vr&scaron;tit&nbsp; in situ&nbsp; za&scaron;tita ili&nbsp;repopulacija/reintrodukcija nakon ve&scaron;tačkog mresta u ex situ uslovima jedno je od najbitnijih i&nbsp;najodgovornijih zadataka.</p>
<p>Tench Tinca tinca&nbsp; (L., 1758) is a cyprinid fish species for which a drastic decrease in&nbsp;number in open waters was detected, as well as complete exclusion from fish ponds in Serbia. As this species is native for our country, for some time now attention &nbsp;was given to its repopulation and its popularization in aquaculture. While working on defining the most suitable methods for the repopulation of this species in open waters and fish ponds, the aims of this study were to define the most suitable methods for repopulation and define the most appropriate methods for cultivation of tench of various age. Possibilities of in situ&nbsp; and ex situ conservation are discussed, as well as &nbsp;application of PRC-RFLP analysis in controling the selection of broodstock&nbsp; and possibilities of using cryopreservation in forming gamete banks for this species.</p><p>PCR-RFLP analysis enabled the detection of origin of analyzed individuals and their&nbsp;assigment to major tench phylogroups (eastern and western) which can in the future be used as one of criterion during artificial spawning. Analysis of variability of mitochondrial markers indicated that the Danube River is a natural barrier between the eastern and western phylogroups, while analysis of nuclear markers indicated the natural invasion of the western phylogroup. Analysis of mitochondrial markers also displayed the presence of a haplotype which denotes the rare western W2 phylogroup.</p><p>In this study, the application of cryopreservation on fish gametes was considered for the first time on the territory of Serbia. Introduction of this modern method expands the &nbsp;possibilities of cultivation and selection of broodstock in aquaculture, as well as enables the formation of gene banks for native species. Experiments conducted on tench sperm determined the effects of different extenders and cryoprotectants on the &nbsp;viability of spermatoids&nbsp; and their motility and fertilization potential. Experiments conducted indicated that the Grayling extender is the best extender for cryopreservation of tench sperm, while there was no significant difference between methanol and DMSO as cryoprotectants.</p><p>The most effective method for evaluation of maturity of gonadal follicles and readiness &nbsp;of females for spawning, when considering the batch spawning of tench, is the histological method. Histological analysis displayed asynchronous maturation of follicles, indicated that vitellogenesis started during April and that at least one batch of eggs was released until July, as well as that one more will most likely be released.</p><p>By monitoring the early development of tench, description and periodization of this process was possible. By comparing the development of tench with other cyprinid species, few specificities arose. The analysis of early development showed that morphogenesis is not finished with hatching, and that formation of jaws and pectoral fins, opening of&nbsp; the mouth and inflation of air baldder occur after hatching. Mathematical model describing the dependence of yolk volume from the time after fertilization indicated that the yolk reserves runs out during the 150th hour after fertilization.</p><p>By testing different cultivation methods and meat quality of tench, it was demonstrated &nbsp;that low density stocking yilded much better production parameters than high density stocking because of better utility of available foodstuffs. Furthermore, aditional feeding with complete feed mixture lead to favourable meat quality with good fatty acid profile, high protein and low fat.</p><p>The plan of repopulation of tench into open waters and fish ponds refers to the use of &nbsp;reliable and modern methods in selection of suitable broodstock and their cultivation. Determination of the most suitable localities for the&nbsp; in situ&nbsp; conservation or repopulation/reintroduction after artificial breeding in&nbsp; ex situ&nbsp; conditions is the most important tasks.</p>
Appears in Collections:PMF Teze/Theses

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