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Назив: Tractability and Learnability Arising from Algebras with Few Subpowers
Аутори: Idziak Paweł
Marković Petar 
McKenzie Ralph
Valeriote Matthew
Willard Ross
Кључне речи: constraint satisfactionlearnabilitycomplexitypolymorphismMal'cevnear-unanimitypolynomially expressivefew subpowers
Датум издавања: 2010
Часопис: SIAM Journal on Computing / Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Сажетак: A constraint language $\Gamma$ on a finite set A has been called polynomially expressive if the number of n-ary relations expressible by $\exists\wedge$-atomic formulas over $\Gamma$ is bounded by $\exp(O(n^k))$ for some constant k. It has recently been discovered that this property is characterized by the existence of a $(k+1)$-ary polymorphism satisfying certain identities; such polymorphisms are called k-edge operations and include Mal'cev and near-unanimity operations as special cases. We prove that if $\Gamma$ is any constraint language which, for some $k>1$, has a k-edge operation as a polymorphism, then the constraint satisfaction problem for $\langle\Gamma\rangle$ (the closure of $\Gamma$ under $\exists\wedge$-atomic expressibility) is globally tractable. We also show that the set of relations definable over $\Gamma$ using quantified generalized formulas is polynomially exactly learnable using improper equivalence queries.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/28520
ISSN: 0097-5397
DOI: 10.1137/090775646
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