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Назив: Study of newly synthesized amide derivatives as potential biologically active compounds
Аутори: Matijević Borko 
Vaštag Đenđi 
Perišić-Janjić Nada
Apostolov Suzana 
Petrović Slobodan
Кључне речи: derivatives chloroacetamides, spectrophotometric, correlation analysis
Датум издавања: 2012
Часопис: Proceedings 5th International Congress: "Contemporary Materials" (ContMat), 5th Contemporary Materials (ContMat), Banja Luka, 2012
Сажетак: Newly synthesized amides are potential biologically active compounds and theirphysico-chemical characterization is important. In this work we investigated a serie of newlysynthesized derivatives chloroacetamides, using spectrophotometric methods. Absorption spectra oftwelve newly synthesized derivatives were recorded in the UV range in twelve different solvents. Theeffects of substances on the absorption spectra of these new chloroacetamide derivates have beeninterpreted by correlation of absorption frequencies with Hametovom substituent constant, ,.Applying Kamelt-Taft solvatochromic models were tested the interaction between the substance andthe used solvent. Correlation between obtained spectroscopic parameters with the predictors ofbiological activity suggests that tested compounds are potential biologically active substances and thatthis method can predict their biological activity.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/28136
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