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Title: Primena GIS-a, analitičkog hijerarhijskog procesa i fuzzy logike pri izboru lokacija regionalnih deponija i transfer stanica
Application of GIS, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Fuzzy Logic in the Process of Regional Landfill and Transfer Station Site Selection
Authors: Zelenović Vasiljević Tamara
Keywords: Upravljanje otpadom, regionalne deponije, transfer stanice, GIS, AHP, fuzzy logika;Waste Management, Regional Landfills, Transfer Stations, GIS, AHP, Fuzzy Logic
Issue Date: 3-Jan-2011
Publisher: Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Fakultet tehničkih nauka u Novom Sadu
University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences at Novi Sad
Abstract: <p>Doktorska disertacija &ldquo;Primena GIS-a, Analitičko hijerarhijskog procesa i fazi logike pri izboru lokacija regionalnih deponija i transfer stanica&ldquo; urađena je kao rezultat potrebe za istraživanjem mogućnosti primene metoda odlučivanja, posebno vi&scaron;ekriterijumske analize, GIS-a&nbsp; i fuzzy integrala u savremenom pristupu dono&scaron;enju odluka u sistemu upravljanja otpadom.<br />Imajući u vidu činjenicu da ova tematika nije dovoljno obrađen osnovni cilj istraživanja bio je da se objasni značaj primene metoda odlučivanja, kao i da se razade modeli izbora optimalnih lokacija sanitarnih regionalnih deponija u transfer stanica u Republici Srbiji koje je moguće primeniti i regionalno, na prostorima sa sličnim Geo-prirodnim uslovima.&nbsp; Disertacija, pored teorijske dimenzije, prezentuje i primene GIS+AHP analize i fuzzy (Sugeno) integrala u procesima izbora lokacija regionalne deponije u regionu Srema i transfer stanice, na teritoriji op&scaron;tine Pećinci.</p>
<p> Ph.D. Thesis &quot;Application of GIS, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Fuzzy Logic in the Process of Regional Landfill and Transfer Station Site Selection&rdquo; was performed and elaborated as a result of the need to explore the possibilities of application of decision making methods, especially multicriteria analysis, GIS and fuzzy logic as modern approach of decision support system in the waste management. The survey carried out in the dissertation was conducted for the first time in the Republic of Serbia. The main aim of this research was to highlight the importance of decision making methods application and development of models apropriate for the processes of identification of the most suitable location of sanitary ragional landfills and transfer stations in Serbia that can be applied regionally, in the regions with similar Geo natural conditions. Dissertation, in addition to the theoretical dimension, present and implement GIS + AHP analysis and fuzzy (Sugeno) integral in the selection process of the regional landfill sites in the Srem Region and transfer station in the territory of Municipality of Pećinci.</p>
Appears in Collections:FTN Teze/Theses

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