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Назив: The situation and perspectives of development of the catering of the Sarajevo's region
Stanje i perspektive razvoja ugostiteljstva Sarajevske regije
Аутори: Džeko Šemsudin
Кључне речи: Catering, catering offer, Sarajevo's region, economy;Ugostiteljstvo, ugostiteljska ponuda, Sarajevska regija, privreda
Датум издавања: 7-јул-2004
Издавач: Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet u Novom Sadu
University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences at Novi Sad
Сажетак: <p>U strukturi ukupne turističke ponude Sarajevske regije dominiraju ugostiteljski proizvod i ugostiteljska usluga. Potrebe korisnika ugostiteljskih usluga uobičajeno se izražavaju kori&scaron;tenjem sme&scaron;taja, noćenja i boravaka, usluga, hrane, pića i napitaka i drugih uobičajenih usluga. Uz osnovne potrebe kori&scaron;tenja ugostiteljskih usluga nude se tzv. dodatne, komplementarne usluge. Ugostiteljske usluge se nude turistima, poslovnim ljudima i domicilnom stanovni&scaron;tvu. Svi navedeni subjekti su enormni konzumenti ugostiteljskih proizvoda i usluga. U tom smislu treba shvatiti ugostiteljsku ponudu Sarajevske regije. Turistička ponuda ove regije sastoji se iz spleta dobara i usluga u kojoj usluge imaju dominantnu ulogu.&nbsp; Ugostiteljska ponuda je sve &scaron;to na gosta ostavlja dojam, poseban doživljaj, utisak vezan&nbsp; za ugostiteljski objekat njegove usluge i ljude. Drugim riječima usluga i ponuda je sve &scaron;to čini ugođaj u ugostiteljskim objektima koji se razlikuju po svojoj funkciji, namjeni, vrsti, kategoriji i usluzi.</p>
<p>In the structure of the total tourist offer of the Sarajevo &#39;s region dominate a catering product and a catering service. The necessities of the users for catering services are usually expressed by the use of accommodations, night&#39;s accommodations and sty, services, food, drinks and beverages and the other usual services. Along with the basic necessities of the use of the catering services are being offered so-called additional complementary services. The catering services are being offered to the tourists, business people and to the domicile population. All the said subjects are the great consumers of the catering products and services. In that sense it is necessary to realize a catering offer of the Sarajevo&#39;s region. The tourist offer of this region consists of the cluster of goods and services&nbsp; in wich services have a diminant role. A catering offer is all that leaves an impression at a guest, a special experience, an impresiion connected with a catering facility, its services and people. In the other words, an offer and service are all that makes a feeling in the catering facilities that are different by their functions, intention, kind category and service.</p>
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/27360
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