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Назив: Vaskularna flora i vegetacija OKM Hs DTD na području Bačke - stanje i uticaj na korišćenje i održavanje
Vascular flora and vegetation in the MCN of HS DTD on the territory of Bačka - current situation and management
Аутори: Lazić Dejana
Кључне речи: makrofite, akvatična vegetacija, flora, ekološka analiza, OKM Hs DTD, hidrosistem Dunav-Tisa-Dunav, Bačka, Vojvodina;macrophytes, aquatic vegetation, OKM Hs DTD
Датум издавања: 30-мај-2006
Издавач: Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet u Novom Sadu
University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences at Novi Sad
Сажетак: <p>Vaskularnu floru kanala OKM Hs DTD na području Bačke čini 177 taksona, od kojih su 175 vrste, jedna podvrsta i jedan &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; varijetet. Floristički najbogatiji kanali OKM u Bačkoj su &quot;Vrbas-Bezdan&quot; (118 taksona) i Jegrička (111 taksona), a floristički &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; najsiroma&scaron;niji kanali &quot;Prigrevica-Bezdan&quot; (24 taksona), &quot;Bezdan-Baja&quot; (50 taksona) i &quot;Bački Petrovac-Karavukovo&quot; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (59 taksona). Od ukupno konstatovanih taksona hidrofitama pripadaju 74 taksona, među kojima je 21 submerzna, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 14 flotantnih i 39 emerznih biljaka. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Vegetacijsku raznolikost čine akvatične zajednice klasa: Hydrochari-Lemnetea Oberd. 1967, Potametea Tx. et Prsg. 1942 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; i Phragmitetea Tx. et Prsg. 1942. Iz klase Hydrochari-Lemnetea konstatovane su asocijacije: Lemno-Spirodeletum &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; W. Koch 1954, M&uuml;ller et G&ouml;rs 1960, Salvinio-Spirodeletum polyrrhizae Slavnić 1956, Ceratophylletum demersi (So&oacute; 27) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Hild. 1956, Hydrocharidetum morsus-ranae Van Langendonck 1935 i Lemno-Utricularietum vulgaris So&oacute; 1928. Iz klase &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Potametea prisutne su fitocenoze: Potametum nodosi So&oacute; (1928) 1960, Segal 1964, Elodeetum canadensis &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (Pign. 1953) So&oacute; 1964, Passarge 1964, Westhoff 1969, Myriophyllo-Potametum So&oacute; 1934, Najadetum marine &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Fukarek 1961, Ceratophyllo demersi-Vallisnerietum spiralis ass. nova, Nymphaeetum albae Vollmar 1947, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Nymphaeetum albo-luteae Nowinski 1928, Nymphoidetum peltate (Allorge 1922) Oberd. et M&uuml;ller 1960, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Hydrochari-Nymphoidetum peltatae Slavnić 1956 i Trapetum natantis M&uuml;ller et G&ouml;rs 1960. Klasa Phragmitetea na &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; istraživanom području zastupljena je asocijacijama: Scirpo-Phragmitetum W. Koch 1926, Typhetum angustifoliae &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Pign. 1953, Typhetum latifoliae G. Lang1973, Sparganietum erecti Roll 1938 i Glycerietum maximae Hueck 1931. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Konstatovana akvatična i semiakvatična vegetacija sve vi&scaron;e je smetnja kori&scaron;ćenju i održavanju istraživanog &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; hidroekosistema. Bujno razvijena akvatična vegetacija na pojedinim deonicama OKM, kao i semiakvatična vegetacija &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; formirana i sredinom vodenog ogledala u kanalu &quot;Kosančić-Mali Stapar&quot; (deonica kod Malog Stapara), u kanalu &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &quot;Vrbas-Bezdan&quot; (kod Malog Stapara, Kule i Vrbasa) i u kanalu Jegrička (deonica kod Siriga, Zmajeva i Žablja) ukazuju &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; na poodmakle procese sukcesije i zara&scaron;ćivanje kanala koji se postepeno pretvaraju u močvarno-barski ekosistem. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Ogromna biomasa hidrofita često formira čepove koji smanjuju povr&scaron;inu profila kanala i brzinu protoka vode. Prisutna &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; biljna masa u jesen pada na dno, nagomilava se, podleže procesima razgradnje i stvara mulj. Mulj se taloži i zbog &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; bogatstva u organskim materijama, sekundarno zagađuje vodu i postaje dodatni faktor degradacije ovih kanala. Da bi &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; se to izbeglo, a istovremeno pobolj&scaron;ao kvalitet vode i funkcionalnost kanala, mora se vr&scaron;iti redovno izmuljivanje kanala, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; uklanjanje suvi&scaron;ne fitomase, izgraditi sistem biopolja (postrojenja za preči&scaron;ćavanje upotrebljenih voda industrije i &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; naselja), racionalno koristiti voda i upu&scaron;tati voda iz Dunava. Upu&scaron;tanje vode iz Dunava iako je neophodna vodoprivredna &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; mera, mora biti kontrolisana jer voda Dunava sa sobom nosi znatne količine mulja koji pospe&scaron;uje zamuljivanje i &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; bujanje akvatične i semiakvatične vegetacije tj. smanjenje proticajne sposobnosti kanalske mreže i degradaciju svih &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; vodoprivrednih funkcija OKM Hs DTD.</p>
<p>The main canal network (MCN) of Danube-Tisza-Danube Hydrosystem (HS DTD) on the territory of Bačka region supports the vascular flora that comprises 177 taxa - 175 species, one subspecies and one variety. The canals Vrbas - Bezdan and Jegrička are floristically richest, containing 118 and 111 taxa, respectively. The canals Prigrevica - Bezdan, Bezdan - Baja and Bački Petrovac - Karavukovo are floristically poorest, with 24, 50 and 59 taxa, respectively. Of the total number of detected taxa, 74 are hydrophytes. Among these, there are 21 submersed, 14 floating and 39 emersed plant species.<br />The vegetation comprises aquatic associations of the classes Hydrochari-Lemnetea Oberd. 1967, Potametea Tx. et Prsg. 1942 i Phragmitetea Tx. et Prsg. 1942. The class Hydrochari-Lemnetea includes the following phytocoenoses: Lemno-Spirodeletum W. Koch 1954, M&uuml;ller et G&ouml;rs 1960, Salvinio-Spirodeletum polyrrhizae Slavnić 1956, Ceratophylletum demersi (So&oacute; 27) Hild. 1956, Hydrocharidetum morsus-ranae Van Langendonck 1935 i Lemno-Utricularietum vulgaris So&oacute; 1928. The class Potametea includes the associations Potametum nodosi So&oacute; (1928) 1960, Segal 1964, Elodeetum canadensis (Pign. 1953) So&oacute; 1964, Passarge 1964, Westhoff 1969, Myriophyllo-Potametum So&oacute; 1934, Najadetum marine Fukarek 1961, Ceratophyllo demersi-Vallisnerietum spiralis ass. nova, Nymphaeetum albae Vollmar 1947, Nymphaeetum albo-luteae Nowinski 1928, Nymphoidetum peltate (Allorge 1922) Oberd. et M&uuml;ller 1960, Hydrochari-Nymphoidetum peltatae Slavnić 1956 i Trapetum natantis M&uuml;ller et G&ouml;rs 1960. The class Phragmitetea includes the following phytocoenoses: Scirpo-Phragmitetum W. Koch 1926, Typhetum angustifoliae Pign. 1953, Typhetum latifoliae G. Lang1973, Sparganietum erecti Roll 1938 i Glycerietum maximae Hueck 1931.<br />The determined aquatic and semiaquatic vegetation is increasingly becoming a hindrance to the use and maintenance of the studied hydrosystem. The luxuriant aquatic vegetation in certain sections of MNC and the semiaquatic vegetation that has reached even the median parts of the canals Kosančić - Mali Stapar (in a location near Mali Stapar), Vrbas - Bezdan (in locations near Mali Stapar, Kula and Vrbas) and Jegrička (in locations near Sirig, Zmajevo and Žabalj) are indicative of the presence of advanced succession stages, the vegetation overgrowing the canals and gradually transforming them into a swamp-marsh ecosystem. The enormous biomass of the hydrophytes frequently forms bottlenecks, which reduce the capacity of the canals and the rate of water flow. In the fall, the plants sink to the bottom and accumulate there, becoming subject to decomposition processes and turning into sapropel. Because it is rich in organic matter, sapropel causes secondary pollution of water, thus becoming an additional factor of degradation of the infested canals. To avoid that and to simultaneously increase water quality and usefulness of the canals, it is necessary to dredge the canals on a regular basis, construct facilities for the treatment of industrial and municipal wastewaters alongside the canals (based on the biological system for wastewater treatment), improve the efficiency of water utilization and maintain an operative water table in the canal network by supplying water from the Danube River. Although the last activity is a regular practice, it must be controlled because the Danube water carries with it considerable amounts of sludge which intensify the siltation and the growth of aquatic and semiaquatic vegetation, i.e., which reduce the flow rate in the canals and cause deterioration of all economic functions of the MCN of HS DTD.</p>
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/27285
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