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Назив: Web and Windows applications for presenting and updating time-table
Аутори: Radaković Davorka 
Датум издавања: 2006
Часопис: XVI Conference on Applied Mathematics - PRIM 2004, XVI Conference on Applied Mathematics - PRIM 2004, Budva, 2004, No 16
Сажетак: This paper presents Windows and Web applications for managing time-table by classrooms. The applications are developed for needs of the Department of mathematics and informatics of the Faculty of Science and Mathematics, but applicable throughout the University of Novi Sad. The Windows application is drafted in such way that both the user and the administrator have insight in the time-table by classrooms. It also enables them to easily and clearly update the time-table. The Web application has the similar functionality over the Internet.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/26653
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