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Назив: Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Psychometric Validation of the Serbian Version of the Central Sensitization Inventory
Аутори: Aleksandar Knežević 
Randy Neblett
Milica Jeremić Knežević 
Snežana Todorović-Tomašević 
Ksenija Bošković 
Petar Čolović 
Antonio Cuesta-Vargas
Кључне речи: chronic pain conditions;central sensitization;psychometric evaluation
Датум издавања: 1-апр-2018
Часопис: Pain Practice
Сажетак: © 2017 World Institute of Pain Objectives: It has been increasingly recognized that many chronic pain conditions are associated with central sensitization (CS). The Central Sensitization Inventory (CSI) is a potentially useful tool for screening patients whose presenting symptoms are suspected of being related to CS, so that additional diagnostic evaluation can be performed and appropriate treatment can be initiated. The original English version is currently not available in Serbian. Methods: The CSI was translated into Serbian (CSI-Serb) and then psychometrically evaluated in a sample of 363 chronic pain subjects. Results: The CSI-Serb showed a high degree of internal consistency (Cronbach's α = 0.909), excellent test-retest reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient type 2.1 = 0.947), and a significant goodness of fit test result (χ2 = 888.44; P < 0.001). A factor analysis confirmed a 4-factor solution, as found by the original authors of the CSI, with all items retained. Higher CSI-Serb scores were associated with higher pain severity and longer pain duration. Total CSI scores distinguished between 3 subject groups with presumably different levels of CS, including fibromyalgia (53.3, SD = 11.2), chronic regional pain only (29.7, SD = 11.6), and a pain-free control group (20.9, SD = 9.1). Conclusions: The results of the present study indicate strong psychometric properties, including evidence of convergent and discriminant validity, of the CSI-Serb. These results correspond with those of other translated versions of the CSI that have been psychometrically evaluated and published. Due to the current interest in CS, and its relationship with many chronic pain conditions, it is anticipated that the CSI-Serb will benefit Serbian-speaking clinicians in the evaluation of patients with chronic pain conditions.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2657
ISSN: 15307085
DOI: 10.1111/papr.12618
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