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Назив: Globally convergent Jacobian smoothing inexact Newton methods for NCP
Аутори: Krejić Nataša 
Rapajić Sanja 
Кључне речи: Nonlinear complementarity problems · Semismooth systems · Modification of Newton method
Датум издавања: 2008
Часопис: Computational Optimization and Applications
Сажетак: A new smoothing algorithm for the solution of nonlinear complementarity problems (NCP) is introduced in this paper. It is based on semismooth equation reformulation of NCP by Fischer–Burmeister function and its related smooth approximation. In each iteration the corresponding linear system is solved only approximately. Since inexact directions are not necessarily descent, a nonmonotone technique is used for globalization procedure. Numerical results are also presented.
ISSN: 0926-6003
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