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Назив: Core-shell layered models of nanostructured carriers for a nano-bio-medical applications
Аутори: Setrajčić J.
Setrajčić – Tomić A.
Džambas, Ljubiša 
Gušić, Ivana 
Датум издавања: 1-јан-2015
Часопис: RAD Conference Proceedings
Сажетак: © 2015 RAD Conference Proceedings. In this paper we will analyze application of nanomaterials in biomedicine, that is to say we will present the recent accomplishments in basic and clinical nanomedicine. Achieving full potential of nanomedicine may be years of even decades away, however, potential advances in drug delivery, diagnosis, and development of nanotechnology-related drugs start to change the landscape of medicine. Site-specific targeted drug delivery (made possible by the availability of unique delivery platforms, such as dendrimers, nanoparticles and nanoliposomes) and personalized medicine (result of the advance in pharmacogenetics) is just a few concepts on the horizon of research. In this paper, especially, we have analyzed the changes in basic physical properties of spherical-shaped nanoparticles that can be made in several (nano)layers and have, at the same time, multiple applications in medicine. Based on our research in ultrathin crystal structures performed so far, superlattices, Q-wires and Q-dots, we will consider the materials that can act as carriers for medicines and tagged substances. For this purpose we established a shell-model of ultrathin molecular crystals and investigated their dielectric, particularly optic characteristics. We conducted this research with the help of two-time dependent Green's function method, adjusted to ultrathin crystalline structure analysis. It is shown that specific resonant absorption lines appear in these structures, the number of which depends on crystal layers position and on values of parameters on shell-structure boundary surfaces. The absorption of electromagnetic radiation declines in infrared part and its detection is a relatively easy process. The subject of the research in this paper includes modeling of nanomaterials in the field of pharmaceutical technology for biomedical application. This includes very precise encapsulated drug delivery, on exactly defined place in the human tissue or organ and disintegration of capsule – drug carrier, so that the medicament can start producing its effect. The goal of multidisciplinary researches with biocompatible molecular nanomaterials is to find the parameters and the possibilities to construct boundary surfaces that will, in interaction with biological environment, create such properties of nanolayers that are convenient for use for layers of drug carrier capsules, biochips and biomarkers. These layers should demonstrate controlled disintegration of structure, better dielectric properties, discrete luminescence and appropriate bioporosity as all these are the requirements of contemporary nanomedicine. This paper presents the preliminary results of the study optical properties of ultrathin shell with four layers, which are obtained using sealed his own software developed JOIG_S. Based on the appearance of discrete absorption peak in the IR region, it can be concluded that this layer may serve as a marker for monitoring temporal changes of position of core-layered shall nanocapsul during its travel through the body.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2532
ISBN: 9788680300016
Налази се у колекцијама:MDF Publikacije/Publications

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