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Назив: Investigation of energetic characteristics of agricultural and wood biomass pellets
Аутори: Gluvakov Z.
Prvulović, Dejan
Josimovic L.
Igić, Ružica 
Датум издавања: 1-јан-2017
Часопис: Oxidation Communications
Сажетак: © 2017, Scibulcom Ltd. All rights reserved. This paper presents, based on the existing European standards, the assembled literature and the existing laboratory methods, results of the investigations of certain chemical-caloric parameters of the quality of the energetic pellets made of biomass after pressing and cooling of the compacted material. Based on the existing methods, the investigation has been carried out on the moisture content, ash content and caloric values of the energetic pellets made of biomass. From the results of research, a series of data have been obtained, on which it has been estimated certain chemical-caloric characteristics of pellets made of biomass, based on the European standards and the existing literature. By comparison of obtained results with the existing standards and literature sources, it may be pointed out that the moisture content, ash content and caloric values are the most significant parameters for the analysis of the quality, which determines the applicability and usage value of energetic pellets made of biomass used as fuel.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2472
ISSN: 02094541
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