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Назив: Genealogy of the other and practices of spatialization
Аутори: Marinković Dušan
Ristić Dušan 
Lazar Žolt 
Датум издавања: 1-јан-2017
Часопис: Synthesis Philosophica
Сажетак: © 2017 Hratsko Filozofsko Drustvo (Croatian Philosophical Society).All Rights Reserved. This paper is founded on the initial presupposition of the implicit presence of the static and non-dialectic space of physical geography in anthropology and sociology in the 19th century. Unlike anthropology which discovered the exotic Others as a dramaturgy in space lacking history the sociology of the Other and its social significance are revealed on the basis of a daily present closeness, 'at home'. We claim that the discovered Others were first spatialized in an unhistorical and non-dialectical manner, like space itself. The subsequent theoretical and epistemological spatial regionality led to the regionalization of Otherness. We conclude that discourses of many regionally constructed Othernesses appeared in anthropology, sociology and social sciences only after the spatial turn and the understanding of the process of spatialization as social technology of power, i.e. production of space.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2397
ISSN: 03527875
DOI: 10.21464/sp32211
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