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Назив: Impaired Bioenergetics in Blinical Medicine: A Target to Tackle
Аутори: Ostojić, Sergej 
Кључне речи: ATP;bioenergetics;creatine;energy metabolism;mitochondria
Датум издавања: 2017
Часопис: Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
Сажетак: Mitochondrial energy deficit is considered a key element of different clinical pathologies - from inherited disorders of energy metabolism to drug-induced mitochondrial toxicity, to cardiometabolic and neurodegenerative diseases. However, clinical manifestations of impaired bioenergetics are not easy to recognize, with patient-reported features usually include non-pathognomonic fatigue and weakness, or exercise intolerance, while specific lab tests are missing. Although it is not clear whether poor energetics is a primary deficit or a secondary consequence of specific disorders, improving mitochondrial viability remains a challenging task in both experimental and clinical medicine. In this review, biochemical and clinical evidence of energy deficits were reviewed, along with possible therapeutic options to tackle energy failure and restore bioenergetics.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2326
ISSN: 0040-8727
DOI: 10.1620/tjem.243.227
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