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Назив: Review of core-multishell nanostructured models for nano-biomedical and nano-biopharmaceutical application
Аутори: Ana Šetrajčić-Tomić
Jovan Popović
Matilda Vojnović 
Ljubiša Džambas 
Jovan Šetrajčić
Кључне речи: Nanotechnology;nanomedicine;core-shells model;ultrathin film layers;drug deliveri
Датум издавања: 1-јан-2018
Часопис: Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering
Сажетак: © 2018 IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved. The main advantage of a theoretical approach is essential knowledge of the mechanisms that allow us to comprehend the experimental conditions that we have to fulfill to be able to get the desired results. Based on our research in ultrathin crystal structures performed so far, superlattices, Q-wires and Q-dots, we will consider the materials that can act as carriers for medicines and tagged substances. For this purpose we established a shell-model of ultrathin crystals and investigated their fundamental characteristics. This could be considered as a form of nano-engineering. In this paper we will analyze application of nanomaterials in biomedicine, that is to say we will present the recent accomplishments in basic and clinical nanomedicine. Achieving full potential of nanomedicine may be years or even decades away, however, potential advances in drug delivery, diagnosis, and development of nanotechnology-related drugs start to change the landscape of medicine. Site-specific targeted drug delivery (made possible by the availability of unique delivery platforms, such as dendrimers, nanoparticles and nanoliposomes) and personalized medicines (result of the advance in pharmacogenetics) are just a few concepts on the horizon of research. In this paper, especially, we have analyzed the changes in basic physical properties of spherical-shaped nanoparticles that can be made in several (nano)layers and have, at the same time, multiple applications in medicine. This paper presents a review of our current achievement in the field of theoretical physics of ultrathin films and possible ways to materialize the same in the field of nanopharmacy.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2164
ISSN: 9592989
DOI: 10.3233/BME-181002
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