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Назив: Maximum-norm a posteriori error bounds for a collocation method applied to a singularly perturbed reaction–diffusion problem in three dimensions
Аутори: Radojev Goran 
Linß Torsten
Датум издавања: 2019
Часопис: Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
Сажетак: © 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Collocation with triquadratic C1-splines for a singularly perturbed reaction–diffusion problem in three dimension is studied. A posteriori error bound in the maximum norm is derived for the collocation method on arbitrary tensor-product meshes which is robust in the perturbation parameter. Numerical results are presented that support our theoretical estimate.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/20068
ISSN: 0749-159X
DOI: 10.1002/num.22414
Налази се у колекцијама:PMF Publikacije/Publications

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