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Title: Morpho-anatomical and karyological variability of the populations within B7 cytotype of Prospero autumnale (L.) Speta complex (Hyacinthaceae) from the Pannonian Basin and Balkan Peninsula
Morfo-anatomska i kariološka varijabilnost populacija B7 citotipa Prospero autumnale (L.) Speta kompleksa (Hyacinthaceae) u Panonskoj niziji i na Balkanskom poluostrvu
Authors: Vestek Ana
Keywords: Anatomical variability, Genome size, Morphological variability, Multivariate morphometrics, Ploidy level, Prospero autumnale;Anatomska varijabilnost, morfološka varijabilnost, multivarijantna statistička metoda, ploidni nivoi, Prospero autumnale, veličina genoma
Issue Date: 18-Oct-2019
Publisher: Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet u Novom Sadu
University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences at Novi Sad
Abstract: <p><em>Prospero&nbsp; autumnale&nbsp;</em> kompleks&nbsp; je&nbsp; taksonomski&nbsp; najintrigantniji&nbsp; član&nbsp; roda&nbsp; <em>Prospero,</em>&nbsp; sa&nbsp; centrom rasprostranjenja u Mediteranu. Kompleks se rasprostire i na obalama Atlantskog okeana u Francuskoj, sve do južnih&nbsp; delova Velike&nbsp; Britanije, zatim&nbsp; na Balkanskom poluostrvu, u Panonskoj&nbsp; niziji, sve&nbsp; do Krima, Kavkaza&nbsp; i&nbsp; delova&nbsp; Irana&nbsp; na&nbsp; istoku.&nbsp; Areal&nbsp; kompleksa&nbsp; se&nbsp; preklapa&nbsp; sa&nbsp; arealima&nbsp; ostale&nbsp; dve&nbsp; vrste&nbsp; roda&nbsp; &ndash;&nbsp; u<br />zapadnom Mediteranu sa <em>P. obtusifolium</em>, a u istočnim delovima Mediterana sa&nbsp;<em> P. hanburyi. </em>Za razliku od <em>P. obtusifolium&nbsp; i&nbsp; P. hanburyi,&nbsp; P. autumnale</em>&nbsp; kompleks se odlikuje visokom kariolo&scaron;kom varijabilno&scaron;ću.Razlikuju se četiri osnovna broja hromozoma&nbsp; x&nbsp; = 5, 6, 7 i četiri različita tipa genoma (A, B<sup> 5 </sup>, B <sup>6</sup> i B<sup> 7</sup> )&nbsp; i diploidna&nbsp; citotipa&nbsp; (AA,&nbsp; B <sup>5 </sup>B<sup> 5 </sup>,&nbsp; B <sup>6 </sup>B<sup> 6 </sup>i&nbsp; B <sup>7 </sup>B <sup>7</sup> )&nbsp; koja&nbsp; se&nbsp; razlikuju&nbsp; u&nbsp; odnosu&nbsp; na&nbsp; osnovni&nbsp; broj&nbsp; hromozoma, veličinu&nbsp; i&nbsp; morfologiju&nbsp; hromozoma.&nbsp; Genom&nbsp; B <sup>5</sup> ima&nbsp; x&nbsp; =&nbsp; 5,&nbsp; B<sup> 6</sup> x&nbsp; =&nbsp; 6,&nbsp; a&nbsp; genomi&nbsp; A&nbsp; i&nbsp; B<sup> 7 </sup>x&nbsp; =&nbsp; 7. Najrasprostranjeniji&nbsp; genom&nbsp; je&nbsp; B <sup>7</sup> ,&nbsp; koji&nbsp; je&nbsp; zabeležen&nbsp; u&nbsp; celom&nbsp; arealu&nbsp; kompleksa,&nbsp; dok&nbsp; je&nbsp; A&nbsp; zastupljen&nbsp; u zapadnom Mediteranu, B<sup> 5</sup> u Libiji, a B <sup>6 </sup>je endemičan za Krit. U okviru B <sup>7</sup> genoma se, dalje, razlikuju dve linije nastale kao posledica duplikacija 5S rDNK lokusa, pri čemu linija I ima jedan lokus, a kod linije II taj&nbsp; lokus&nbsp; je&nbsp; duplikovan.&nbsp; Osim&nbsp; diploidnih&nbsp; citotipova,&nbsp; poznato&nbsp; je&nbsp; i&nbsp; nekoliko&nbsp; ploidnih&nbsp; nivoa,&nbsp; od&nbsp; kojih&nbsp; su najučestaliji&nbsp; tetraploidi&nbsp; (2n=4x=28)&nbsp; i&nbsp; heksaploidi&nbsp; (2n=6x=42).&nbsp; Za&nbsp; <em>P.&nbsp; autumnale&nbsp;</em> kompleks&nbsp; je karakteristična varijabilnost u veličini genoma između različitih citotipova i unutar pojedinih citotipova. Genomsko restrukturiranje, koje je imalo najveću ulogu u evoluciji i diverzifikaciji kompleksa, nije imalo velikog uticaja na&nbsp; morfolo&scaron;ku varijabilnost, te je&nbsp; iz tog razloga kompleks&nbsp; morfolo&scaron;ki skoro uniforman. Ipak karakteri kao &scaron;to su: boja tunike lukovice, visina biljke, oblik i dimenzije lista, broj cvetova u cvasti i boja cvetova pokazuju izvesnu varijabilnost. Taksonomske nejasnoće nastaju zbog opisanih desetak vrsta između kojih ne postoje jasne morfolo&scaron;ke razlike i kod kojih je prisutno preklapanje vrednosti karaktera.Kako&nbsp; je&nbsp; do&nbsp; sada&nbsp; kompleks&nbsp; najvi&scaron;e&nbsp; bio&nbsp; predmet&nbsp; kariolo&scaron;kih&nbsp; istraživanja,&nbsp; pri&nbsp; čemu&nbsp; su&nbsp; izostale&nbsp; detaljne analize morfolo&scaron;ke i/ili anatomske varijabilnosti, uzorkovan je biljni materijal sa 37 lokaliteta na području Panonske nizije i Balkanskog poluostrva sa ciljem utvrđivanja morfolo&scaron;ke, anatomske, kao i kariolo&scaron;ke varijabilnosti. Određivan&nbsp; je broj hromozoma, nivoi ploidije&nbsp; i veličina genoma. Primenom univarijantne statističke&nbsp; metode,&nbsp; ispitana&nbsp; je&nbsp; varijabilnost&nbsp; morfolo&scaron;kih&nbsp; i&nbsp; anatomskih&nbsp; karaktera,&nbsp; a&nbsp; upotrebom multivarijantne&nbsp; statističke&nbsp; metode&nbsp; su&nbsp; testirane&nbsp; razlike&nbsp; između&nbsp; unapred&nbsp; definisanih&nbsp; grupa,&nbsp; koje&nbsp; su&nbsp; se odnosile na populacije i ploidne nivoe. Korespodentnom analizom su analizirani kvalitativni morfolo&scaron;ki i anatomski&nbsp; karakteri.&nbsp; Ukupno&nbsp; je&nbsp; analizirano&nbsp; 65&nbsp; karaktera&nbsp; (33&nbsp; morfolo&scaron;ka&nbsp; i&nbsp; 32&nbsp; ana tomska).&nbsp; Rezultati kariolo&scaron;ke&nbsp; analize&nbsp; se&nbsp; potvrdili&nbsp; varijabilnost&nbsp; kompleksa&nbsp; na&nbsp; istraživanom&nbsp; području.&nbsp; Detektovana&nbsp; su&nbsp; tri ploidna&nbsp; nivoa&nbsp; (diploidi,&nbsp; tetraploidi&nbsp; i&nbsp; heksaploidi),&nbsp; a&nbsp; potvrđena&nbsp; je&nbsp; i&nbsp; varijabilnost&nbsp; u&nbsp; veličini&nbsp; genoma. Poređenjem monoploidne veličine genoma između tri ploidna nivoa je detektovano smanjivanje veličine genoma&nbsp; sa&nbsp; povećanjem&nbsp; nivoa&nbsp; ploidije.&nbsp; U&nbsp; odnosu&nbsp; na&nbsp; koeficijent&nbsp; varijabilnosti,&nbsp; konstatovano&nbsp; je&nbsp; da&nbsp; se većina&nbsp; morfolo&scaron;kih&nbsp; karaktera&nbsp; nalazi&nbsp; u&nbsp; zoni&nbsp; umerene&nbsp; varijabilnosti&nbsp; (22),&nbsp; a&nbsp; samo&nbsp; pet&nbsp; karaktera&nbsp; je visokovarijabilno.&nbsp; Anatomski&nbsp; karakteri&nbsp; su&nbsp; raspoređeni&nbsp; u&nbsp; četiri&nbsp; kategorije&nbsp; (niskovarijabilni, umerenovarijabilni, visokovarijabilni i veoma visokovarijabilni), pri čemu većina karaktera (20) pripada umerenovarijabilnoj&nbsp; kategoriji. Četiri&nbsp; kvalitativna&nbsp; morfolo&scaron;ka (oblik lukovice, boja tunike, boja cveta i oblik&nbsp; plodnika)&nbsp; i&nbsp; sedam&nbsp; kvalitativnih&nbsp; anatomskih&nbsp; karaktera&nbsp; (oblik&nbsp; poprečnog&nbsp; preseka&nbsp; lista,&nbsp; oblik&nbsp; ćelija epidermisa na licu i&nbsp; naličju,&nbsp; oblik ćelija palisadnog tkiva na licu&nbsp; i&nbsp; naličju, prisustvo papila&nbsp; i&nbsp; kristala u ćelijama&nbsp; parenhima)&nbsp; su&nbsp; pokazala&nbsp; varijabilnost.&nbsp; U&nbsp; korespodentnoj&nbsp; analizi,&nbsp; zasnovanoj&nbsp; na&nbsp; kvalitativnim morfolo&scaron;kim&nbsp; karakterima,&nbsp; izdvojile&nbsp; su&nbsp; se&nbsp; tri&nbsp; grupe.&nbsp; Za&nbsp; prvu&nbsp; grupu&nbsp; su&nbsp; bili&nbsp; zajedničke&nbsp; &scaron;irokojajaste&nbsp; i uzanojajaste&nbsp; lukovice&nbsp; sa&nbsp; ružičastom&nbsp; tunikom,&nbsp; jedinkama&nbsp; u&nbsp; drugoj&nbsp; grupi&nbsp; su&nbsp; bili&nbsp; svojstveni&nbsp; jajasti&nbsp; i uzanojajasti plodnici i lukovice sa braon tunikom, dok su za treću grupu bili karakteristični &scaron;irokojajasti plodnici, loptaste i pljosnate lukovice. U odnosu na kvalitativne anatomske karaktere najvi&scaron; e se izdvojila jedna&nbsp; grupa&nbsp; za&nbsp; koju&nbsp; su&nbsp; bile&nbsp; karakteristične&nbsp; gusto&nbsp; raspoređene&nbsp; papile&nbsp; i&nbsp; prisustvo&nbsp; četvorougaonih&nbsp; i okruglastih epidermalnih ćelija na abaksijalnoj strani lista. Rezultati multivarijantnih analiza, zasnovanih na&nbsp; populacijama&nbsp; kao&nbsp; unapred&nbsp; definisanim&nbsp; grupama&nbsp; i&nbsp; kvantitivnim&nbsp; karakterima,&nbsp; ukazali&nbsp; su&nbsp; na&nbsp; složenu varijabilnost&nbsp; uzorka&nbsp; i&nbsp; izostanak&nbsp; jasne&nbsp; separacije&nbsp; grupa.&nbsp; Naznake&nbsp; razdvajanja&nbsp; grupa&nbsp; su&nbsp; bile&nbsp; uočljive&nbsp; u analizi&nbsp; morfo-anatomske&nbsp; matrice.&nbsp; Izdvojili&nbsp; su&nbsp; se&nbsp; sledeći&nbsp; karakteri:&nbsp; visina&nbsp; stabla,&nbsp; dužina&nbsp; cvasti,&nbsp; broj cvetova,&nbsp; povr&scaron;ina&nbsp; poprečnog&nbsp; preseka&nbsp; lista,&nbsp; ukupna&nbsp; povr&scaron;ina&nbsp; palisadnog&nbsp; tkiva&nbsp; i&nbsp; ukupna&nbsp; povr&scaron;ina sunđerastog tkiva. Najjasnija razdvajanja su uočena u analizama gde su ploidni nivoi predstavljali&nbsp; a priori definisane&nbsp; grupe,&nbsp; naročito&nbsp; u&nbsp; kombinaciji&nbsp; morfolo&scaron;kih&nbsp; i&nbsp; anatomskih&nbsp; karaktera.&nbsp; Karakteri&nbsp; sa diskriminacionim&nbsp; potencijalom&nbsp; između&nbsp; jedinki&nbsp; koje&nbsp; pripadaju&nbsp; različitim&nbsp; ploidnim&nbsp; nivoima&nbsp; jesu:&nbsp; broj<br />cvetova,&nbsp; &scaron;irina&nbsp; listića&nbsp; perigona&nbsp; unutra&scaron;njeg&nbsp; kruga&nbsp; i&nbsp; filamenta&nbsp; spolja&scaron;njeg&nbsp; kruga,&nbsp; povr&scaron;ina&nbsp; poprečnog preseka&nbsp; lista,&nbsp; ukupna&nbsp; povr&scaron;ina&nbsp; palisadnog&nbsp; tkiva,&nbsp; povr&scaron;ina&nbsp; ćelija&nbsp; palisadnog&nbsp; tkiva,&nbsp; visina&nbsp; i&nbsp; &scaron;irina&nbsp; ćelija palisadnog tkiva i udeo epidermisa. Od sva tri ploidna nivoa, najvi&scaron;e izdvojene su bile diploidne jedinke, koje&nbsp; se&nbsp; od&nbsp; tetraploida&nbsp; i&nbsp; heksaploida&nbsp; mogu&nbsp; razlikovati&nbsp; na&nbsp; osnovu:&nbsp; dužina&nbsp; filamenata&nbsp; spolja&scaron;njeg&nbsp; i unutra&scaron;njeg&nbsp; kruga&nbsp; cveta,&nbsp; povr&scaron;ine&nbsp; ćelija&nbsp; palisadnog&nbsp; tkiva,&nbsp; visine&nbsp; i&nbsp; &scaron;irine&nbsp; ćelija&nbsp; palisadnog&nbsp; tkiva,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i ukupne&nbsp; povr&scaron;ine&nbsp; palisadnog&nbsp; tkiva.&nbsp; Tetraploidi&nbsp; i&nbsp; heksaplodi&nbsp; se&nbsp; najvi&scaron;e&nbsp; međusobno&nbsp; razlikuju&nbsp; na&nbsp; osnovu karaktera u regionu cveta: prečnik otvorenog perigona, dužine listića perigona spolja&scaron;njeg kruga cveta i &scaron;irine filamenta spolja&scaron;njeg&nbsp; kruga cveta.&nbsp; Uočene razlike&nbsp; između tri analizirana ploidna&nbsp; nivoa (diploidi, tetraploidi&nbsp; i&nbsp; heksaploidi),&nbsp; u&nbsp; taksonomskom&nbsp; smislu&nbsp; se&nbsp; mogu&nbsp; tumačiti&nbsp; pre&nbsp; kao&nbsp; jedna&nbsp; od&nbsp; infraspecijskih kategorija, a ne kao kategorija koja bi odgovarala vrsti.</p>
<p>Prospero autumnale&nbsp; complex is the most taxonomically intricate member of the genus&nbsp; Prospero&nbsp; with the centre of distribution on the Mediterranean Basin, westwards to&nbsp; the Atlantic coast in France as far north&nbsp; as&nbsp; Great&nbsp; Britain,&nbsp; northwards&nbsp; to&nbsp; the&nbsp; Pannonian&nbsp; Basin&nbsp; and&nbsp; Crimea,&nbsp; and&nbsp; eastwards&nbsp; to&nbsp; Iran.&nbsp; The distribution area of the complex overlaps with distribution areas of the other two species of the genus<br />Prospero-P.&nbsp; obtusifolium&nbsp; is&nbsp; present&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; western&nbsp; parts&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; Mediterranean,&nbsp; while&nbsp; P.&nbsp; hanburyi&nbsp; is distributed in the eastern Mediterranean. Unlike&nbsp; P. obtusifolium and P. hanburyi, P. autumnale complexis characterized by extraordinary karyological&nbsp; cariation. It encompasses&nbsp;&nbsp; four distinct genomes (A, B&nbsp; 5 , B 6 , B 7 ) and four distinct diploid cytotypes (AA, B 5 B 5 , B 6 B 6 , B 7 B 7 ), each with a unique combination of<br />basic chromosome&nbsp; number (x&nbsp; = 5, 6, 7).&nbsp; An additional difference is related to&nbsp; chromosome&nbsp; size and morphology. The B 5 genome&nbsp; has&nbsp; x&nbsp; = 5, B 6 x&nbsp; = 6, and A and B 7x&nbsp; = 7 basic chromosome numbers. The B 7 genome&nbsp; is&nbsp; present&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; whole&nbsp; distribution&nbsp; area&nbsp; of&nbsp; P.&nbsp; autumnale&nbsp; complex,&nbsp; while&nbsp; genome&nbsp; A&nbsp; is distributed in the western Mediterranean, B 5 is restricted to Libya, and B 6 is endemic to&nbsp; Crete. Within diploids and tetraploids&nbsp; of&nbsp; B 7 genome, two&nbsp; lineages&nbsp; occur as a consequence&nbsp; of&nbsp; duplication&nbsp; of the 5S rDNA locus. Type I (lineage) has a single locus, while in type II (lineage) 5S rDNA locus is duplicated. Besides diploid cytotypes, the polyploids cytotypes are also known. The most common polyploids are tetra- (2n=4x=28) and hexaploids (2n=6x=42). Variability in the genome size within, as well as between cytotypes, is also characterized for the complex. Genomic restructuring, which played the b iggest role in evolution&nbsp; and&nbsp; diversification&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; P.&nbsp; autumnale&nbsp; complex,&nbsp; did&nbsp; not&nbsp; have&nbsp; a&nbsp; major&nbsp; impact&nbsp; on morphological&nbsp; variability.&nbsp; Only&nbsp; slight&nbsp; variation&nbsp; has&nbsp; been&nbsp; detected&nbsp; in&nbsp; plant,&nbsp; tepal&nbsp; and&nbsp; filament&nbsp; size, flower&nbsp; and&nbsp; seed&nbsp; color,&nbsp; shape&nbsp; and&nbsp; size&nbsp; of&nbsp; leaves&nbsp; a nd&nbsp; color&nbsp; of&nbsp; bulbs.&nbsp; Taxonomic&nbsp; ambiguities&nbsp; are<br />additionally&nbsp; caused&nbsp; by&nbsp; description&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; new&nbsp; ten&nbsp; species&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; complex.&nbsp;&nbsp; morphological&nbsp; differences between those species are unclear, with overlapping values of the most morphological traits. Until now, P. autumnale&nbsp; complex was mostly karyologicaly investigated, without detail analyses of morphological and/or&nbsp;&nbsp; anatomical&nbsp; variability.&nbsp; The&nbsp; aim&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; present&nbsp; study&nbsp; was&nbsp; to&nbsp; investigate&nbsp; karyological, morphological and anatomical variability on individuals collected on 37 localities across the Pannonian Basin and&nbsp; Balkan Peninsula. Basic chromosome&nbsp; number, ploidy&nbsp; levels, as well as&nbsp; genome size&nbsp; were determined. The variability of morphological and anatomical characters was examined using univariate statistical&nbsp; methods.&nbsp; Differences&nbsp; between&nbsp; predefined&nbsp; groups&nbsp; (populations&nbsp; and&nbsp; ploidy&nbsp;&nbsp; levels)&nbsp; were investigated&nbsp; using&nbsp; multivariate&nbsp; statistics&nbsp; with&nbsp; the&nbsp; attempts&nbsp; to&nbsp; identify&nbsp; morphological&nbsp; and&nbsp; anatomical characters&nbsp; with&nbsp; discriminatory&nbsp; potential.&nbsp; For&nbsp; analysing&nbsp; qualitative&nbsp; morphological&nbsp; and&nbsp; anatomical characters, correspondence analysis was conducted. In total 65 traits were analyzed (33&nbsp; morphological and&nbsp; 32&nbsp; anatomical).&nbsp; The&nbsp; results&nbsp; of&nbsp; karyological&nbsp; analysis&nbsp; confirmed&nbsp; the&nbsp; high&nbsp; variation&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; P. autumnale&nbsp; complex&nbsp; in the study area. Three&nbsp; ploidy&nbsp; levels (diploids, tetraploids and&nbsp; hexaploids)&nbsp; were detected,&nbsp; and&nbsp; the&nbsp; genome&nbsp; size&nbsp; variation&nbsp; was&nbsp; confirmed.&nbsp; Genome&nbsp; downsizing&nbsp; was&nbsp; observed&nbsp; by comparing&nbsp; monoploid&nbsp; genome&nbsp; sizes&nbsp; between&nbsp; three&nbsp; ploidy&nbsp; levels.&nbsp; According&nbsp; to&nbsp; the&nbsp; oefficient&nbsp; ofc variation,&nbsp; most&nbsp; morphological characters show&nbsp; moderate&nbsp; variation (22). Only&nbsp; five traits showed&nbsp; high variation.&nbsp; Anatomical&nbsp; characters&nbsp; were&nbsp; classified&nbsp; into&nbsp; four&nbsp; categories&nbsp; according&nbsp; to&nbsp; the&nbsp; coefficient&nbsp; of variation (with low, moderate, high and very high variation), but the&nbsp; most traits (20) showed moderate<br />variation. Variation in qualitative morphological (bulb shape and color, flower color and ovary shape) and seven&nbsp; qualitative anatomical characters (leaf cross-sectional area shape, shape&nbsp; of the adaxial and abaxial&nbsp; epidermal&nbsp; cells,&nbsp; shape&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; adaxial&nbsp; and&nbsp; abaxial&nbsp; palisade&nbsp; cells,&nbsp; presence&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; papillae&nbsp; and crystals&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; parenchyma&nbsp; cells)&nbsp; were&nbsp; recorded.&nbsp; Three&nbsp; groups&nbsp; of&nbsp; populations,&nbsp; as&nbsp; a&nbsp; result&nbsp; of&nbsp; the correspondence&nbsp; analysis,&nbsp; based&nbsp; on&nbsp; qualitative&nbsp; morphological&nbsp; characters,&nbsp; were&nbsp; formed.&nbsp; Populations&nbsp; of the first group showed common characteristics such as broadly and narrowly ovate shaped bulbs with pink&nbsp; outer&nbsp; tunic.&nbsp; The&nbsp; second&nbsp; group&nbsp; was&nbsp; characterized&nbsp; by&nbsp; bulbs&nbsp; with&nbsp; brown&nbsp; outer&nbsp; tunic,&nbsp; ovate&nbsp; and narrowly ovate ovary, while the third group had broadly ovate ovaries, globose and flattened bulbs. In relation&nbsp; to&nbsp; qualitative&nbsp; anatomical&nbsp; characters,&nbsp; only&nbsp; one&nbsp; group&nbsp; was&nbsp; the&nbsp; most&nbsp; distinguished&nbsp; and&nbsp; was characterized by densely distributed papillae, squared and rounded shape of abaxial epidermal cells. The results&nbsp; of&nbsp; multivariate&nbsp; analyses&nbsp; of&nbsp; quantitative&nbsp; traits,&nbsp; based&nbsp; on&nbsp; populations&nbsp; as&nbsp; presumptive&nbsp; groups, revealed&nbsp; similar&nbsp; patterns&nbsp; without&nbsp; structuring&nbsp; and&nbsp; with&nbsp; no&nbsp; specific&nbsp; groupings.&nbsp; The&nbsp; tendency&nbsp; toward&nbsp; a separation&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; populations&nbsp; was&nbsp; noticeable&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; analysis&nbsp; based&nbsp; on&nbsp; combined&nbsp; morpho-anatomical characters. The highest correlation with the canonical axes showed: stem height, inflorescence length,number of flowers, leaf cross-sectional area, palisade and spongy tissue area. The clearest separationsbetween groups were observed with ploidy levels as presumptive groups. Morpho-anatomical traits with discriminatory potential among ploidy levels were: number of flowers, inner tepal width, outer filament width, leaf cross-sectional area, palisade tissue area, the cross-sectional area of palisade cells, height and width&nbsp; of palisade cells and&nbsp; epidermis percentage. The&nbsp; most&nbsp; distinct&nbsp; group among three ploidy&nbsp; levels were diploids and could be distinguished from tetra-&nbsp; and hexaploids by outer and inner&nbsp; filament width, the&nbsp; cross-sectional area&nbsp; of palisade cells, the&nbsp; width of palisade cells, the&nbsp; height&nbsp; of palisade cells and palisade tissue area. Tetra-&nbsp; and&nbsp; hexaploids&nbsp; differed&nbsp; mostly&nbsp; in floral characters: open flower diameter, outer tepal length and outer filament width. For taxonomic purposes, the level of overlap indicates that the ploidy levels could be regarded as showing intraspecific variation.</p>
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