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Назив: Assessing inland excess water risk in Kanjiza (Serbia)
Аутори: Nađ Imre 
Marković Vladimir
Pavlović Marko 
Stankov Uglješa 
Vuksanović Gordana
Датум издавања: 2018
Часопис: Geografie-Sbornik CGS
Сажетак: © Česká geografická společnost, z. s., 2018. Inland excess waters cause numerous considerable problems in economy, society and environment on a low lying parts of Serbia. The SEERISK methodology has been used for assessing the risk of inland excess water in Kanjiža municipality in Serbia. By applying the GIS tools, inland excess areas were extracted and categorization of different hazards level was done for following cover types: vegetable, orchard, crop, vineyard, grassland and forest. Analysing the satellite images for the selected period (March 2011, August 2012, April 2013 and June 2013), results show that four occurrences of inland excess water were recorded at 0.07% of territory, three occurrences at 0.53% of territory, two occurrences at 3.86%, one occurrence at 9.26% and there were no occurrences at 86.28% of territory. As the final result, the risk map shows four inland excess water risk level zones ranked from “Low”, “Medium”, “High” to “Very high” which can be used by the local authorities in order to design strategies for reducing negative effects from inland excess water hazard.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/19608
ISSN: 0036-5254
Налази се у колекцијама:PMF Publikacije/Publications

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