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Назив: Seasonal prevailing surface winds in Northern Serbia
Аутори: Tošić Ivana
Gavrilov Milivoj 
Marković Slobodan 
Ruman Albert
Putniković Suzana
Датум издавања: 2018
Часопис: Theoretical and Applied Climatology
Сажетак: © 2017, Springer-Verlag Wien. Seasonal prevailing surface winds are analyzed in the territory of Northern Serbia, using observational data from 12 meteorological stations over several decades. In accordance with the general definition of prevailing wind, two special definitions of this term are used. The seasonal wind roses in 16 directions at each station are analyzed. This study shows that the prevailing winds in Northern Serbia have northwestern and southeastern directions. Circulation weather types over Serbia are presented in order to determine the connections between the synoptic circulations and prevailing surface winds. Three controlling pressure centers, i.e., the Mediterranean cyclone, Siberian high, and the Azores anticyclone, appear as the most important large-scale factors that influence the creation of the prevailing winds over Northern Serbia. Beside the synoptic cause of the prevailing winds, it is noted that the orography of the eastern Balkans has a major influence on the winds from the second quadrant. It was found that the frequencies of circulation weather types are in agreement with those of the prevailing winds over Northern Serbia.
URI: https://open.uns.ac.rs/handle/123456789/19352
ISSN: 0177-798X
DOI: 10.1007/s00704-017-2044-6
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